MUSIC,MUSIC,MUSIC(I bleeed music notes and my heart is an instrument) I LOVE MUSIC!!! ;Being around people you REALLY love,Whether it be My Crazy Friends or My Even More crazier Family; Dancing, Modeling, Partying,SHOPPING/Fashion(Stunting),traveling,meeting different types of people,and helping people...
First and foremost I want to meet people that's about their business and that I can network with as far as journalism or modeling. This includes magazines, radio stations, promotions teams, television stations,modeling agents, photogrphers, etc. If you see that I can help you and you can help me then get @ me. I like goal-oriented people. People with a vision and a plan. People who are looking for more than just the easy way outta life. So if you're serious about your business than I appreciate that.Music Artist: Beyonce', Jay-Z, Nas, Kelis & Gwen Steffani
VJs:FREE,Cousin Jeff,Gideon Yago, Suchin Pak and Kurt Loder
Journalist: Connie Chung, Babera Walters and Anderson Cooper..
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Hip-hop, real rap, R&B, NeoSoul,Old School, Reggae,Dancehall,SOCA,some rock, and some pop. Notorius BIG(forever),Jay-Z,Nas,Lupe Fiasco, Dip Set,NE-YO!!! John Legend, Destiny's Child, Beyonce',Janet Jackson,Michael Jackson, Maroon 5, Coldplay,Kelly Clarkson,&Green Day
City of God,Shottas, Scarface,Casino, Goodfellas, I am Sam, Mystic River, The Other Sister, Four Brothers, A Bronx Tale,IN HER SHOES etc
MARTIN re-runs,Fresh Prince of Bel-Air re-runs,Laguna Beach,Real World, ,Making the Band,Run's House,The Hills, Sweet Sixteen,MADE, Punked,Law&Order SVU,Law&Order, CSI,CSI:Miami,First 48(My baby put me up on it),Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives and Bridezillas
The Coldest Winter Ever, No Disrespect, Flyy Girl
My Mother, My Grandma Rita, My closest friends(You know who you are)..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly! - A Survey of Your Life
* So Basically... *
Name?: Andrea
Age?: 21
Sex?: Female
Birth Date?: September 16, 1985
Hair Color?: Brown
Eye Color?: Brown
Height?: 5'5
Weight?: 123lbs
Body Type?: Slim
Piercings?: ears and navel
Tattoos?: None
What are you wearing right now?: Gray and black tweed pants form Banana Republic and black turtleneck and black dress boots
Hair style at the moment?: vintage swoop pinned up in the bacl w/ black lace headband
* Favorites *
Soda?: don't really like soda but if I had to drink it it'd be Sprite
Food?: Seafood,Spanish Food, Carribean food
Drink?: Cherry Lime-Aid
Alcoholic Drink?: Long Island Ice Tea,Grey Goose&Pineapple Juice, Cosmos,Patron, 99 Apples, etc
Time of day?: Night
Season?: Spring and Fall
Day of the week?: Friday
Song at the moment?: there's so many. . "couldnt get far" -Game/Kanye,Hip Hop is Dead Album-Nas, etc
Band/Artist?: Artist:BEYONCE; Bands:The Killers,Green Day,The Fray
Book?: the Coldest Winter Ever-Sistah Soldier
Subject in school?: African American Studies and Journalism
Place in the USA?: New York and California(LA)
Place outside the USA?: Jamaica. . and soon Brasil
Color?: Red. . .Black
Style of clothes?: Vintage, mod, punk, urban, prep,sophisticated depends on my mood
Store?: H&M, Forever 21,Coach,etc
Mall?: Beverly Hilsl Center in LA,Potomac Mills in VA,Concord Mills in NC
City?: Brooklyn,Manhattan,LA,Philly(at times),Charlotte,Durham(the people)
Website?: MySpace,Facebook,,any music sites
Magazine?: The Ave, XXL, Complex, VIBE,Essence,Vogue,Elle,. . .basically Fashion and Music Mags
Kind of pet?: DOGS,DOGS,DOGS!!!Muah!!
* Worst *
Place to be?: Ummm. . Hmmm it can really be any place b/c at times I get tired of places
Class in school?: Anything dealing with MATH!
Time of dayr?: Morning. . I hate waking up!
Season?: Winter. ..when it really kicks in.
Kind of pet?: Fish. . boring
Drink?: Prune Juice. .YUCK!
Food?: Tomatoes. . YUCK!
Mall?: Hmmmm . . .Northgate-NC(however its improving)
Store?: ??????
Style of clothes?: ??????????
Celebrity?: Britney Spears,fell off afte K-Fed sweetie.LOL!
Color?: Neon Orange. .???
Book?: Shakesphere books from high school
Type of music?: Heavy Ass Metal and Techno
Website?: ????
Magazine?: The Source fell off HARD!!!!
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?: And hour before I have to leave for class or work. If not,whenever I wake up!
What is your first thought?: "Damn, Jus let me sleep a little longer"
What do you do first?: Stretch, urinate and brush teeth
What's your usual outfit?: I dress for what I am leaving for or the mood I'm in
What's the first class of the day?: Not a set schedule, depends on the day
When does school end?: Depends on my class schedule and day
Do you see your friends?: YEP!
What do you do when you get home?: Get on the computer. .check email, Facebook and Myspace
What time do you go to bed?: Whenever I make it to bed. .late ass hell. . never before 1am!
* Do you...*:
Brush your teeth daily?: YES!!
Brush your hair daily?: YES!
Shower daily?: Ofcourse!
Sing?: I have to every minute of my day. .I love music!!
Dance?: Oh YES!! Everynight in my room! (LOL)
Party?: Yes!
Get drunk?: Yes. .when I want to!
Have sex?: Well, I'm no Virgin. .enough said!
Read books?: Not like I use to. . just magazines now!
Listening to music a lot?: YES,YES,YES!!
Read magazines?: YES,YES,YES!
Go .. a lot?: YEs,YES,YES!
Stay on AIM all day even with an away message?: Yea!
Have a religion?: Ofcourse. . .I thank my god everyday and pray every night!
Have an IPod?: I will in a couple of days. .Xmas Gift!
Want an IPod?: Yep!
Have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?: Had one. . .
Play an instrument?: No!
Get sick a lot?: Nope. .Pretty Healthy!
Watch TV?: YEP!
Like MTV?: no. .LOVE MTV!!!
Like VH1?: no. . LOVE VH1!!
Like the History Channel?: Ummm. . not really!
Have Digital Cable?: @ my mother's house!
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: @ my mother's house!
Listen to the radio?: everyday!
Still use your CD player?: Yep @ home!
Stalk people?: Hell NO! Thats crazy!
Have more than 200 buddies on your Buddy List?: Umm. .prob so. Dont talk to all of them!
Have dial-up internet?: Hell NO. . . People who still have "dial-up" need to Upgrade!
Have AOL?: Yep!
Know HTML?: A little. .thanx to EIG class
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: sure wish I did. . I try to get as close to that as i can!
Get H's in honors classes?: Back in High School!
* Music *
Do you listen to Rap?: Yes. . .I love "Real Rap" . .Articst w/ Content, if you know what I mean
R & B?: YES! Love it!
Blues and/or Jazz?: Hmm . .a little!
Classical?: A tiny bit
Pop?: Yes!
Country?: Hmm. . certain songs. .Tiny bit
Emo/Scremo?: Umm. . HEll no!
Heavy Metal?: NOOOOO!!
Christian?: Actually I like Gospel. .christian music is a little different
Reggae?: YEs! YES! Yes!
Broadway Musical songs?: Yes. .Color Purple. .loved the music and classic shows as well!
Oldies?: no. . I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE OLDies!!
* In A Boyfriend/Girlfriend *
Hair color?: Brown/Black
Eye color?: Whatever
Tattoos?: Not overboard w/ them tho
Piercings?: Not overboard w/ them
Favorite Music?: Preferably R&B,Hip-hop but I'm def open to their choice
Style of clothing?: Pharrel Style,Jay-Z swagger,Lupe Fiasco's Style,Kanye's Stlye etc basically. . . Versatile style. .
Body Type?: Not too tall but not too short(b/t 5'8-6'3), Slim or cut, or footbal body type,just no plus size men(Sorry, Im not ready 4 that)
Personality or Looks?: Have realistic positive goals and a plan,be determine and driven, have an education or working on it,be a "Go-Getter",great sense of humor and god looking, any race
Would you go out with someone just for their money?: NO. . .They have to have more than money to please me. Money makes a person only to a certain extent and that's just dishonest
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: LOL. .I have
Does size matter?: Whoa. .what r u asking?(wink,wink) To an extent, but you have to know what you are doing! Enough said!
Do they have to be popular?: Umm . .not always but having a likeable personality is a plus
Does the guy ask the girl or the other way around?: These days its different but traditionally "the guy should ask"
Where do you go on the first date?: Be thoughtful. .usually a dinner,movie, activity, show, etc. . Impress me. . no cheat spots
Kiss on the first date?: If the chemistry is there i see nothing wrong with it. .but don't force it if it ain't there
Sex on the first date?: Whoa. . .No, a little too far. Get to know the person, this causes problems in the future.
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?: Yes, very sophisicated!
Are you eating something?: Yep, Hershey's chocalate
Are you drinking something?: No!
Are you IMing anyone?: No!
Are you talking on the phone with someone?: No!
Are you talking face to face with someone?: No!
Is anyone at your house who doesn't live there?: Im @ work!
What song are you listening to?: Stolen Moments-Alicia Keys
What are you watching on TV?: no televsion; but ESPN stays on in the office
What other websites do you have open?: MySpace and work)
Why are you taking this survey?: To get a differnt survey on my page
Where are you going to post it?: On my Profile. .Duh!
What are you going to do after this?: continue working
* What do you Believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?: No. . havent seen one yet
The afterlife?: Hasnt happen to me. .????
Aliens?: No. .havent seen one
God?: YES. .he does work!
The devil?: he comes in the form of sprits
Heaven?: Yes!
Hell?: Yes!
Scientology?: No! Ive seen the places before though
Hinduism?: Not my choice of belief but to each its own
Buddhism?: Not my choice of belief but to each its own
Christianity?: YES!
Taoism?: Not my choice of belief but to each its own
Judism?: Not my choice of belief but to each its own
Jesus?: YES!
Nothing?: Not my choice of belief but to each its own
Reincarnation?: ????Somewhat. . .????
Yourself?: At times its hard. .but it is neccessary for me to get through life and accomplish my goals! Yes I do!
* Randoms *
Have you been on an airplane before?: toomany times. .I love flying,so much easier
Where were you going?: California, NY,Jamiaca,NC,etc
Have you been to another country?: Jamaica. .only place out of the US. .Going to Brasil Aug 07'
Have you ever went to another country with your friends?: No. . .Goin to Morocco soon
Have you ever partied in another country?: Jamaica. .FUN!
Have you ever went on a roadtrip with your friends?: Yep. .ATL Shawty!(LOL)
Ever stayed .. more than 10 hours straight?: NO!! Thats sad!
Pretended to like someone just to get popular?: NO!
Talked about someone behind their back?: We all have once in our life
Had someone talk about you behind your back?: Oh Yes!
Been in a fight ..?: LOL. .Yea. .I want her in person now. She already know!But whatever!
Been in a fight face to face?: Yep!
Gotten yourself involved in a fight that wasn't about you?: Yep! I love my friends too much!
Been called a bitch?: YES!
Been called a slut/whore?: Yes!
Been to Australia?: NO!
Do you like snakes?: Yea!
Ever cried to get your own way?: LOL. .NO!
Ever broken a bone?: No!
Ever had to stay in the hospital for more than a week?: No!
Ever had serious surgery?: NO!
Ever looked a porn ..?: LOL. .I saw the Superhead tape so. .Yea!
Ever went to one of those "adult" stores?: LOL. .Yea, back in the day we went when we were board. .So funny!
Ever bought clothes at Walmart?: LOL!! Yea!
Ever gotten clothes from the Salvation Army?: NO!
Ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans?: Close. .but no Cigar
Ever been on stage for any reason?: Yep!
Ever been in a play?: Yep! High school!
Ever been in a choir?: OH yes!! Too many!
Ever been in a band?: No!
Do you play, or used to play, an instrument?: I use to play the drums back in the day
Gotten a Brazilian Bikini Wax?: No. .
Waxed your eyebrows?: Yep. .matta fact it's time fro that now!LOL!
Waxed your legs?: No. .not needed
Cut yourself shaving?: Yea
Have you ever died?: LOL. .not that I kno of!
Was this survey an good at all?: Yea
What time is it right now?: 12:51pm
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