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i live at the beach, and i love the ladys that consume it, so dont think i will ever again move to where there isnt one. workin out, lifting weights, and gotta do my sit-ups, it helps me think. travelling, never been on an airplane but would like to. everywhere ive ever gone has been by car. so now id prefer to drive than fly, then at least you can see new things and appreciate your surroundings. like all types of music, rap, r&b, country, old r&b also, like al green, and marvin gaye. yeah its a little corny but dont front theres music you wouldnt get caught dead listening to by your friends aint there? like going to the movies, comedies are the best, there better when your high, but thats just my opinion. love my dog shorty, even though hes a freakin mean little shit. yall thought my dog "dammit" was bad, this dog is dammit reincarnated and possessed by the devil!! love my nephews andrew and ashton, and my god son joey to death. i would do anything in my power for them. kids are freakin crazy man, i can handle them for about 2 hours before i start gettin irratated but at least i know there going home eventually. but all the frustration and aggravation is well worth it in the end! aight thats enough, i pretty much like anything outdoors, hiking, the beach, boating, etc. i like a lot more things but shit, i dont wanna type it.
anybody thats not a douche bag! And people that have there own money and dont need mine. And real friends not FAKE ASS MOTHERFUCKERS that i have recently come across. If your reading this and you think i might be talking about you, then chances are i probably am!
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like i said i listen to a lot, pretty much everything. and im a radio channel surfer, so dont let me sit up front! but i mainly listen to my ipod nano where ever i go, prolly the most mixed up combination of songs ever put on an ipod
comedies: anything with jim carey. ace ventura, cable guy, liar liar, fun with dick and jane, and napolean dynamite. *half baked*, and scary movie 2, the other ones suck, and adam sandlers mr deeds, and big daddy. anchorman with will farrel, and also old school. wedding crashers is fuckin hilarious and 40 year old virgin. "your putting the pussy on a pedestal" " i want some fuckin french toast" scarymovies: saw1 and saw2, texas chainsaw massacre, and jeepers creepers action: bad boys 1 and 2, jarhead, fightclub, oceans 11, mr and mrs smith old favorites: a christmas story and i cant remember the name, but i know you will, the one where the kids play baseball, and they use the kids dads autographed baseball signed by babe ruth. and then they hit the ball over the fence where the huge dog is and they tried everything to get it back. ok its called Sandlot. thanx thomas. And of course "hey you guys," who could forget the movie "goonies."
lost, friends, survivor, lets make a deal, always liked the price is right, whichever CSI i happen to be watching cuz theres so many. the simpsons, my name is earl, and for some reason i watch the real world, maybe to see somebody elses drama filled life. but at least they have fun while stabbing eachother in the back, right? the best are jay leno, conan obrien, SNL, and mad tv.
uh.....books? i may have read old yeller in like the 6th grade but its a slim chance
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My Mom, and my sister and nephews. Basically my family. and my real friends none of you Fake bitches