It started when someone suggested we start a band during Sophomore year in high school. Derrick, Bain, Bobby, and Brent initially started this idea until the happy C arrived. Colin joined despite our best efforts to keep him out, but we're glad now we squeezed him in. Two years later we decided to make an EP late 2004 early 2005 which turned out to suck so badly but tons of people supported us anyway and we thank you guys.
Winter 05, After graduating from high school, Bain, Bobby, Brent, Derrick, and Colin had no real commitments to this band except for a few practices during winter break.
Summer 06, Vince came along and blew us away. . Despite only having a few practices a week and only during the summer, we managed to produce 5 songs (4 here on myspace). All of our songs are roughly recorded demos.
Winter 06 and Summer 07, we made a couple of more demos. "untitled demo" is the only one posted for now. Hopefully get to finish them someday.
Summer 08 --
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