This is my song I hope you guys like it!!! Written By: Marcey Gill, Produced by: Mike Duguay, Recorded at: Black Rock Studios Sudbury ON
Blinkie Images from Again playing guitar and singing, playing golf, chillin out with friends,and going to the gym.
Well I would definitaley love to meet Sully from Godsmack. I admire his music and he puts on a heck of a show. Elvis...well if he was alive (or maybe he is??).
Johnny Depp
Prank provided by:
Godsmack, Guns and Roses, Bon Jovi, old 80's rock, Heart, Metallica, Breaking Benjamin, Faster Friday (local talent).
Never Been Kissed, The Rundown, Shawshank Redemption, Click, Phantom of the Opera, Bruce Almighty, The Wedding Singer
Roseanne, Married with Children, Reba, Rockstar Supernova
Harlequin Romance
Adam Sandler