Being the most powerful man in the world, cigarettes, scotch, making my aides take dictation from me while i'm on the can
Sam Rayburn, Ho Chi Minh (So I could give him a piece of my mind, Texas style), damn dirty hippies who keep protesting me (I'd give them another piece of my mind, CENTRAL TEXAS style), The New Christy Minstrels
Country. AND KNOCK IT OFF WITH THAT GODAMMED HIPPIE MUSIC!!! Someone get me the goddamed "New Cristy Minstrels". That's some music. Except for that "Kenny Rogers" fella. Someone keep an eye on him.
"Full Metal Slacks", "How To Succeed In Business (Without Really Trying)" - I've got a cameo in that one, all the Beach Party movies (except for that "Von Zipper" character. Don't care much for him.), "JFK"
Bonanza, The New Christy Minstrels Variety Hour, Get Smart, Andy Griffith, the network news: ABC, NBC & CBS ALL AT THE SAME GODDAMMED TIME!! I got a TV with three screens, boy! It's in the oval office.
Anything by Robert Caro.
Sam Rayburn, Lee Harvey Oswald (hahaha - just a joke! dammit, son. ain't you got no sense of humor? I would have made it without him, anyway.)