*ReinA CubanA* profile picture

*ReinA CubanA*

*SeducE my BodY WitH YouR BeatS*

About Me

Background from flickr user

..^5^/ 5 Poppin 6 Droppin ..^5^/
..^5^/ ALKQN ..^5^/ Amor De ReinA ..^5^/
I'm a LeO to the CorE. Within my heart lives the spirit of lion, a deep fire that burns and drives me to accomplish the impossible. I believe in Honor, Love, Loyalty, and Respect. With great age comes great wisdom and if you don't live your life how will you ever enjoy its many secrets .... I can be very indecisive....your A-typical MindFcuK...I know something about everything and a lot about nothing,compulsive, perfectionist, anal, flexible, compromising overly generous...giving anything and eveyrthing to keep you happy but yet pleasing myself, goal oriented and determined, will not stand for anything but my beliefs, very empathetic, intelligent, strong-willed, and Always a good time I am the VibE ;-P (my club friends). Im in love with my friends and I'll do anything for them...I have a couple scars I got fucked over by some people who I love and trusted....Right now im working to fix up some holes with some friends...I love to party and im Addicted to HousE and Hip hoP and NYC Factory Kid at heart...Im loyal and loving...complicated and caring....and I don't like typing or talking about myself so if you wanna know more about me you will just have to experience it.... the one thing I can say and I know about me is that I am an EXPERIENCE...someone you will probably never meet or find someone similar in your lifetime

....So find out for yourself and don't base it off hear-say, rumors, impressions from my page, how I look, or anything but your own experience of the "is" that is me.

Cogito Ergo Sume

Professional Party Girl :-P


"Very Present on the Frontal Palette"

My Interests

CrowNs, ClubbinG, AfterhourS, DancinG, SunglasseS, PartieS, LoungeS, BarS, SociologY, NYC Nightlife, Art, Soccer, Eastern Philosophy, TantrA, Lacrosse, Photography, SnowBoardinG, Being CrazY!, Running, Gym, Travel, Beach, Friends, Music, Reading, Energy, LIFE. AnythinG that can KeeP my AttentioN....but ThatS a ChallengE in ItselF ;-P

I'd like to meet:

My manitos and Manitas and my King

People who know how to party and be wild :-P. People that practice integrity who don't fear the truth.


-People who want to purchase my thong -Close-Minded -Shallow, Self-Centered, Egotistical, and Selfish -People who don't know how to appreciate the simple joys in life.

FiercenesS is AlwayS WelcomE...WorK BitcH!



Lupe Fiasco - "Hip Hop Saved My Life" ft. Nikki Jean

TribaL HousE, HousE, DeeP HousE, TribaL, ClassiC HousE, VocaL, 80's remixeS, Old School like DJ IrenE Bad Boy Bill, FreestylE, Hip-Hop, R&B, Progressive House

You are house!

What kind of techno music are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Dj MerrItT, Dj BoriS, EricK MorillO, AltaR, JosE NuneZ, OffeR NissiM, Suzanne PalmeR, SpektruM, SizequeeN, TonY MoraN, DavE MoraleS, PeteR RauhofeR, DaviD GuettA, ChuS and CeballoS, RobbiE RiverA, SheldoN RomerO, AlmA MatriS, AndaiN, 4 StringS, Angelo Kortez, George Acosta, Basement Jaxx, Benny Benassi, Junior Vasquez, Victor Calderone, Plummet, George Michael, Antoine Clamaran, Felix Da HouseCat, Hypertrophy, Harry Choo Choo Romero, Mike Rizzo


Girl InTerrupTed, TrainspoTTing, Fear and LoaThing in Las Vegas, Requiem for a Dream, ParTy MonsTers, Blow, BaskeTball Diaries, Spun, Kids, FighT Club, Rules of ATTracTion, American HisTory X, American Psycho, The SalTon Sea, WasTed, Mean Girls, ThirTeen, Finding Nemo, Gia, BaTTle Royal, Clockwork Orange, Ladybugs, Bend iT like Beckham, Pulp FicTion, Boogie NighTs, BuTTerfly EffecT, Jacob's Ladder, The Cell, True Romance, Original Sin, MonsTer, HoT Chick, Boogie NighTs, New Jack CiTy, Crank, MeeT The ParenTs, BeauTiful Mind, RocksTar, NoT Another Teen Movie, anyThing by QuenTin TarenTino. I'll sTop There, the lisT could go on forever.


I don't like to watch TV


Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, A Million Little Pieces, Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird, Halloween Ball, Deep summer, Bridges of Madison County (book is way better than the movie)


My Mom

My Blog


so as you can see im very excited about the RebirtH of the ODYSSEY afterhours I used to go there all the time I was just talking to my Alyson well actaully reading a ltter from her and she remembers t...
Posted by *ReinA CubanA* on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 08:35:00 PST