Kat profile picture


never reveal your sources - anonymous

About Me

Im Kat! if you actually want to talk to me hit up the msn [email protected]
First things first, im probably the most honest person you're going to come across, if you want an honest opinion then your looking at the person who'll give it to you. Some say its a flaw but i think its not, im not a liar, i hate liars. I can keep a secret, ive got many floating around in this brain of mine and they're going to my grave. Trustworthy is my middle name
I adore music, then again who the fuck theses days doesnt?
I have a passion for photography and film production, I find im really happy behind a camera
I'm a dancer, trained in modern and ballet
I love my friends, they're my second family, without them id be lost. Mess with them, and your messing with me
Im a strong believer in Karma, that doesnt mean im gonna let fate do all the deciding, just that i believe that if someone does the dirty on me the universe will fuck them over alot worse then i ever will...
I dont hold grudges with silly little things, however if its more important i'll forgive, but remember i wont forget
I can be confident and carefree, yet sometimes insecure, if im shy at first its only because i havent warmed to you yet! bare with me!
I love to travel, whether its just around london/england or to other countries i really enjoy discovering new places, but to me theres no where like home
I HATE shit stirrers, you people need a couple of black eyes if you ask me
Im a sucker for musicians with long hair, so all you shorthaired nonmusicians, throw on a wig and play some air guitar...it wont make me melt but it'll get a laugh ;)
I adore food and eat like a pig! gotta keep trying new stuff, varietys the spice of life people!
Im not going to say im a nutter, cos what real nutter would confess that? i love to have a giggle, and believe laughter truely is the best medicine
I can be extremely wise, dont give me that look, I dont waste my time on people who i dont think deserve to hear what i have to say
I have an opinion on most things, i'll voice it when needed
Ive been told im older then my time, but im a kid at heart, just got my damn head screwed on...take note
Dont waste your time judging me from a myspace profile, send me a message, talk to me, cos in all honesty myspazz is only a website, your not gonna learn much off here
DONT message me asking for pervy pics..DONT ask if i'll send you a british passport! and if i do ever meet you and i dont recognise you DONT take it personally...this is myspace for fecks sake, if i allow you into my virtual piece of crap respect the fact i might not actually remember you because of the fact this place is crap!MySpace Layouts"

Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

My Interests

PHOTOGRAPHY - MUSIC PHOTOGRAPHY IS MY PASSION YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH IT TELL IT TO SOMEONE WHO CARES! also..Heavy metal, rock n roll, sex, sleaze, love, lust, malibu, dancing, , art, surfing, sunflowers, chocolate, bass, drums, tattoos, piercings, travelling, JUNK FOOD, licking, rain, sea, cream, strawberries, cameras, my bed, cheese, bacardi, wildness, taking mad pictures, baby powder, low cut tops, leather, studs, cut up tshirts, customising clothes, cd's, curtains, pots, furry rugs, skin tight pants, writing on my pants, pringles, baby oil, talking to people face to face rather then though a fucking pc, mess, truffles, tinsle, chipped nail varnish, etc n so forthAll you need to know is im really a wonderful person whom you should deff talk to :P mwahahaha.Lets leave it there, before i scare you off :)welcome to my worldI am 81% Metal Head.
.. I was born with the mark of the beast on my forehead and an axe in my arms. I am the god of all things metal! Now if only I could get my parents to give me back my car keys..... Take the
Metal Head Test
@ FualiDotCom

I'd like to meet:

Anyone - i dont care who you are - im always up for meeting new people just talk to me and ill talk back : D .. width="425" height="350" ..
Eh? I got bored...(for girls)
*Name: Kat
*Age: 17
*Gender: chickaroo last time i checked
*Height: 5'7"
*Weight: 9stone
*Eye Color: blue!
*Hair Color: it changes put it that way
*What Grade are you in?: 13th
*Name of your school?: southgate
*Nick Name(s): kat kat, kitty kat, legolas, ginger, kat boom
*Birthday: 8th january
*Sign: carpicorn
*Location: southgate
*Siblings: one half brother one half sister
*Do You or Are You*
Do you drink [alcohol]?:: i do indeed
Do you party a lot?:: depends on how im feeling
Do you use drugs: nah
Do you skip classes? How often?:: yea, not often enough
Do you have casual sex?: thats none of your business
Do you steal?:: nah
Do you lie?:: white ones...
Do you wear inappropriate clothing?:: and what if i do?
Do you watch a lot of TV?:: nah
Do you ever watch the News?:: oh god no, its just depressing
Do you even care about world issues?:: i do actually
Do you read books often?:: eng lit student - that answer your question?!
Are you failing a lot of your classes?:: no actually i passed them all
Do you spend most of your time with your friends?:: yep
Do you smoke cigarettes?:: yes
Do you hang out a lot in malls?:: no
Do you cuss a lot?:: i can
Are you desperate to fit in?:: fuck off
Are you intelligent?:: to a certain degree
Do you spend a lot of time on your appearence?:: nope haha
Do you flip your hair when you talk, even if you don't realize it?:: i should hope not :S eek!
Date:: 18/08/06
Time: 2:27am
Clothes: blue tshirt with holes in it, jeans, n a dressing gown feel the granny style!
Weather: its raining and rather cold...its august for fecks sake!
Footware: skin
Mood: undecided
Currently Talking To: no one actually, cos hardly anyones awake
Sounds: porcupine tree - slave called shiver
*This or That*
dog or cat:: cat
short or long hair:: long
innie or outie:: innie
sunshine or rain:: both at the same time, i love both, i like boiling in the sun...but i think i prefer getting drenched in the rain
moon or sun:: moon
basketball or football:: neither
righty or lefty:: righty
hugs or kisses:: both
tv or radio:: radio
mcdonalds or burger king:: kfc
summer or winter:: well it seems like winter now yet its summer...so when our weather system sorts itself out i'll tell you
written letters or e-mails:: written letters are nice to get, but emails are time saving hmmm
playstation or nintendo:: neither
car or motorcycle:: car
house party or club:: club
sing or dance:: dance
yahoo messenger or ..: neither
freak or slow dance:: erm
Like anyone?:: no i hate everyone! course i do
Known the longest of your friends:: grace
Name your best friend(s):: sash, grace, hett
Who's the loudest:: sash
Who's the shyest:: grace
Who do you go to for advice:: all 3
Who do you cry with:: none
Nicest: all 3
Smartest: they're all smart in their own ways
Meanest: none
Stupidest: none
Most Annoying: you
Hyperest: hett
Happiest: dunno
Depressed: none
Shortest: hetty hehe
Tallest: grace
Most Fashionable: n/a
Smells Best: erm
Best Liar: sash, omg she bullshits her way out of EVERYTHING wait so does grace, shes been lying to her parents before she could talk!
Hottest: none!
Sexiest: none!
Cutiest: none!
Best: none!
Most Orginized: not sure actually
Least Orginized: see above
*The Last*
Movie you rented:: god i havent rented one for AGES
Movie you Bought:: i think it was chicken run
Song you Listened to:: some faster pussycat one thats playing now
Song that was stuck in your head:: at the moment one isnt :D
CD you bought:: porcupine tree - deadwing
CD you listened to:: girls, girls, girls
Person you've called:: grace MELON
Person that's called you:: my papa
TV show you've watched:: 8 simple rules
Person you were thinking of:: dad
Time you cried:: yesterday, i found the collar thing my cat had to wear when he was ill, has his fur on it....
time Cut your hair:: well im getting it cut 2mo actually
the last time you Hugged someone:: today
the last time you kissed someone:: couple of weeks ago, yea i havent been out n when i have they're all ugly fucks
You have a bf or gf:: nope
You have a crush on someone:: perhaps
You wish you could live somewhere else:: not right now, before n in the future i have
You think about suicide:: no
You believe in online dating:: no
Others find you attractive:: some strange fucks do
You want more piercings:: just a few more in ears, otherwise im good ta
You drink:: we answered these already
You do drugs:: look above
You smoke:: look above
You like cleaning:: fuck no, i hate it
You like roller coasters:: damn right i do
You write in cursive or print:: cursive
Long distance relationships:: for - if u can handle it
Using someone:: against
Teenage smoking:: whatever its their choice
Premarital sex:: for
Driving drunk:: against
Gay/lesbian relationship:: for
Food:: italian or chinese
Song:: theres way too many for just one
Band:: havent got just one!
TV show:: dont watch enough to have a fav
Movie:: anything with johnny depp, orlando bloom.......or the crow
Color:: blue, red,black, leopard print - yes thats a colour
Thing to do:: eat!
Thing to talk about:: anything
Sport:: surfing
Drink:: malibu
Clothes:: furry leopard print boots
Holiday:: too many
Saying:: cunt
*Think You are....*
Pretty:: nah
Funny:: i can be
Hot:: no
Friendly:: once you get to know me, i think i have a bit of a attitude at first
Amusing:: sometimes
Ugly:: no
Loveable:: dunno, you tell me
Pessimistic:: no
Optimistic:: yes
Caring:: yes
Sweet:: no
Dorky:: no
*Describe your...*
Wallet:: its some saltrock thing.....its usually empty
Hairbrush:: hairy?
Toothbrush:: minty
Jewelry worn daily:: all piercings
Pillow cover:: whatevers on the bed at the time
Blanket:: see above
Sunglasses:: black, jeweled or the other ones aviator mirror type things
Shoes:: i dont actually own that many, like 5pairs
Handbag:: eurgh i hate handbags
Favorite top:: erm i dont have one!
Hair:: black and pink
Make up:: not on my face at the moment
*Who or What*
In my mouth:: my tongue
In my head:: air
Wishing:: for another year
After this:: tv
If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason:: you, for writng such a long thing
Person you wish you could see right now:: gran
Is next to you:: the kitchen, pc moved downstairs whilst im redecorating
Something that you are deathly afraid of:: spiders
What do you want done with your body when you die:: burnt, then scattered somewhere special
Who is your worst enemy:: i dont have one
If you could have any animal for a pet:: tiger, elephant or monkey
What is the latest you've ever stayed up:: for about 3 days - insomnias fun!
What's your favorite coin:: a million pound one? yes please!
Whats something that you wish people would understand:: whatever
What's something you wish you could understand better:: women
Do you like candles:: sometimes
Do you like hot wax:: no
Do you like incense:: yes
Do you like the taste of blood:: no
Do you believe in love:: for some reason
Do you believe in soul mates:: yea, ive already found a few in mates
Do you believe in love at first sight:: no
Do you believe in forgiveness:: yes
Do you believe in God:: not sure
Can you eat with chopsticks:: yep..hang on god to chopsticks?!
When was the last time you showered?: yesterday
What was the last thing that you said online?: bye!
What is your favorite state?:: wasted....oh wait you mean american state?
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?:: whatever
Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?:: who the fuck comes up with these questions?!
How many buddies do you have on your list:: not sure, and im not looking :P
What did you do last night?:: stayed up with sash watching lord of the rings
Dream car?: one that drives itself
What do you want to be when you grow up?: taller? ermmmmmmmmm photographer please
If you could change your name, what would it be?:: harold
do you listen to rap?: i try not to
do you tend to bang your head when you listen to heavy metal?: erm yes..and what?
on a scale of 1-10, how much do you absolutly adore heavy metal?: ive say bout an 9
do you cry a lot?: no
are you depressed over strange things?: no
do you hate the world?: no
What do you think of Avril Lavigne?: i have no interest in her
do you have a poster of the backstreet boys on your wall?: i dont have anything on my walls at the moment lol
what song makes you sad:: alter bridge - in loving memory
what song makes you happy:: warrent - cherry pie
tattoos:: one so far! more to come
piercings:: 7
how are you?:: tired
have a big regret:: no, i dont regret things, i learn from them and move on
*Have you ever...*
snuck out of the house:: yes
gone skinny dipping:: no
made a prank phone call:: yes
use your parents credit card:: yes
fell asleep in the shower/bath:: no
gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days:: no
*Again Random*
Name Three Bad Habits You Have:: clicking my knuckles, staying awake all night, ermm if you think of another one update me
Name Three Things That You Wish You Had:: car, more sense, a tiger
Name Four Scents That You Love:: no
What's Under Your Bed ?: not alot, my bed reaches the floor just about
Current Desktop Picture ?: bettie page montage
Favorite Physical Feature Of The Opposite Sex ?: eyes and stomach
Age you hope to be married:: whenever dude
How do you want to die:: shark attack! or some freak accident...if im gonna go i might aswell go with a bang...actually i lie...peacefully please
Where you want to go to college:: meh
# of drugs taken illegally:: n/a
# of people I could trust with my life:: none
# of CDs that I own:: havent a clue, im not sad enough or bored enough to count them
# of scars on my body:: a fair few
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You've been totally Bzoink*dThe people below here, in my top 8, are there because they're fucking amazing people. I love you all!! You fucking rock! So people, welcome to my top 8, LOVE THEM AND YOU SHALL BE REWARDED...if you dont imma come remove your manly/lady bits :D


.. width="425" height="350" .. Lets get one thing straight...im a dont expect me to listen to none of that hippydihop stuff, country or classical...although im up for some jazz, indie and soul!

*Motley Crue* L.A Guns*Porcupine Tree*Jimi Hendrix*Pantera*Black Label Society*Dream Theater*Deep Purple*Cheap Trick*Whitesnake*Backyard Babies*Aerosmith*Lenny Kravitz*Megadeth*Alice Cooper*Dio*Extreme*Incubus..olderstuff*Primal Fear*RATM*Guns n Roses*Velvet Revolver*Red Star Rebels*Bruce Dickenson*Blue Oyster Cult*Bob Marley*Rush*Led Zepplin*Jeff Buckley*Lefay*The Datsuns*Dream Evil*Halford*James Brown*Micheal Jackson*Europe*Steve Vai*Yngwie Malmsteen*The Rolling Stones*Led Zepplin*Hammerfall*Devin Townsend*Diamond Head*Eidolon*Micheal Angelo*RATT*W.A.S.P*Yes*Levanter*Rata Blanca*Alter Bridge*Freedom Call*Lost Highways* Yea ill shut up now ; )


Fight Club, Gladiator, Amelie, Lotr series, Pirates of the Caribbean, Sleepy Hollow, Edward Scissor Hands


what do you mean shower caps arent in this season?
flying high

viva espasna!


Life of Pi, The curious incident of the dog in the night time, The Dirt, Scar Tissue, Tommy Land


Anthony Kiedis, Chad Smith, Sunny Garcia, Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Buckley, Tim Burton, Mike Portnoy, Bob Marley, James Brown,

Myspace Codes

My Blog

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Posted by Well behaved women rarely make history on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 02:49:00 PST

: )

so im happy new kitten new man new phone(ask for the number..tho it might change cos well the fucker wont let me send txts?!) new room WAHEY love to you all, those who i havent seen for a while, im so...
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