Troublemaker. profile picture


She's the salt of the Earth and she's dangerous.

About Me

I work all the time, I live my life in constant disarray, I don't like beds and have been accustomed to sleeping on couches.

I tend to be forgetful and I need to write things down, I'm deaf in one ear (seriously, it's a great story, ask me sometime and I'll tell you it), I'm highly accident proned, I usually care to much about things and people I shouldn't. I'm misunderstood and hold grudges. Dogs and little kids love me.

I want to travel to Europe someday and want to learn how to double dutch. If you can help me out with either, let me know.

I watch this a lot...

and this....

I run a button company called "Bitchy Buttons", check us out.

Most of my time is spent with these guys...

And these guys are pretty good too...

Get FREE MySpace Backgrounds from nUCLEArcENTURy.COM OR create your own MySpace Layout using MYSPACE PROFILE EDITOR !!!

My Interests

Taking too many naps.

Making late night phone calls to Kevin.

"Holding court"

The Mondays the New Saturday Club

Making "mean" Valentines.

Going to waaay to many Romeros shows.

Eating soft food with no crunchy stuff in it.

Stirring the pot.

Drinking more than most boys do.

Being stuck in 1987

Not not licking toads.

Collecting toys.

Buying Mike ugly clothes from the Thrift Store.

Ladies Night on Thursdays, when I have money

Leaving cheesy comments on Kevin's MySpace.

Getting random tips from Annie.

Pretending I don't watch baseball, when I really do.

Making random buttons.

Sending text messages.

Handcuffing myself to people.

Not hanging out with a lot of girls, because most of them are crazy.

Beating people at thumb wrestling.

Drinking Panther Ale.

Working way to many hours.

Being lame and not going out, because I have to work in the morning.

Doing things for spite.

Laughing when people fall down.

Doing impressions of people I work with.

Going shopping with my mom.

Being the best girlfriend ever.

Going on fake dates with Bob.

Reciting lines from Napolean Dynamite with my dad.

Going on crazy adventures with Dan.

Quoting weird movies.

Being an instigator.

Having people tell me their secrets

Making Sarah Z laugh.

Quoting The Simpsons with Nicole.

Having ridiculous text message conversations with Winters (when he texts the RIGHT Kristin)

Talking about the White Sox with creepy dudes at the bar.

Having a crush on A.J Pierzynski

Quoting "Forest Gump".

Babysitting my adorable twin cousins.

Take the quiz:
Which White Sox Player are you?

AJ Pierzyniski
you like to argue but you usually get your way and thats good

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'd like to meet:

I already have the greatest boyfriend in the world, he makes me things like this:

Boys who wear suits with Converse All-Stars, girls who won't start drama, someone to watch bad horror movies with and participate in ridiculous activities.

Someone who knows what "Fireball Island" is and would be willing to play with me and find one for me.

And other randoms...

Those with questionable hygiene need not apply.

Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts


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The Star Wars Trilogy. Notice I said "Trilogy", the other three don't count

Night of The Living Dead

That Thing You Do

Angels With Dirty Faces


Nightmare On Elm Street


Empire Records


Weird Science

Sixteen Candles

Fast Times At Ridgemont High

Gone With The Wind

Robin Hood

The Breakfast Club


Killer Party

Silent Night Deadly Night

Pee-Wee's Big Adventure

Masters of the Universe


Mean Girls

Waynes World

Coming To America

Back to the Future

Trick or Treat

Walk the Line

From Here to Enternity

Song Of The South

1001 Rabbit Tales


The Exorcist


Friday the 13th

Sleepaway Camp

The Prowler

The Burning

The Intruder


The Office (the American Version)

Gilmore Girls

Shitty Canadian teen shows

The Kids in the Hall

In Living Color



The Simpsons

Family Guy

American Dad

How I Met You're Mother

Freaks and Geeks


It's Always Sunny In Phildelphia



Twelve Great Sports Immortals

To Kill A Mockingbird


Last Train to Memphis

Charlotte's Web

Green Eggs and Ham

The Cat In The Hat

Lemony Snicket: The Series Of Unfortunate Events


The Very Hungry Catapillar

Curious George

Brave New Girl



Ted Bundy: Confessions of a Killer

Anything About Serial Killers

If Chins Could Kill

Scary Stories to Tell In the Dark

The Outsiders

He's Just Not Into You

Go Ask Alice


Z is For Zacariah

The Wind In the Willows

Tales of Brer Rabbit

Grimms Fairy Tales


Mr. Ralph Furley - By Sean Jennings

My Blog

Super Lame.

I know I have said this millions of times, I am NOT a football fan, nor will I ever pretend to be one. I was happy for the Bears, but they lost. Guess what, it's not the end of the world kids.The one ...
Posted by Kristin on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 04:56:00 PST

Shuffle My Ass.

I'm really proud of Tyra Banks. I was never a huge fan of hers, not that I disliked her I just could find a reason to like her, until now. I was watching an interview with her today about how that pap...
Posted by Kristin on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 01:38:00 PST

Match In The Gas Tank, Boom, Boom.

I've always thought very highly of myself. I don't mean to be conceded, but I just feel that I am a good person.This month, I've just been proud of myself. First off, I'm really not suppose to mention...
Posted by Kristin on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 07:36:00 PST

This Is What A Feminist Looks Like.

So I've been reading "The Femine Mystique" and I have to say that it might be one of the best books I've ever read. It's amazing.It gave me a greater appreciation of being a woman today. It talks abou...
Posted by Kristin on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 06:37:00 PST

Give A Little Bit

Things have been going very well. Granted I was a little upset this week, that usually happens the week after Kevin leaves. Lucky for me, I have some of the greatest friends in the entire world, who h...
Posted by Kristin on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 09:36:00 PST

Teary Good Bye

So Kevin is gone, in fact he is on a plane right now flying 5,000 miles away from me. I know that he wanted to go home, well to his home now, but I can't help but feel sad right now. It always sucks t...
Posted by Kristin on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 09:10:00 PST

Happy As A Clam

I think it's funny whenever Kevin comes home and I have to readjust to having a boyfriend. I can't complain though. He and I have had a great time this past week, except for him giving me his nasty Lo...
Posted by Kristin on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 12:49:00 PST

This Is Growing Up

As one gets older, people really need to let some personality traits and behaviors go. I really think that there comes a point in ones life where you do "out grow" things.Things like :Instant Messagin...
Posted by Kristin on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 05:22:00 PST

Ding, Ding.

I have a hate/love relationship with my boss changing my off days. On one hand I love having a bit of a change, breaking things up and how can I get upset with a Saturday off.On the other hand I get t...
Posted by Kristin on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 03:06:00 PST

Penny Slug.

So Kevin and I had this plan a few months ago. I was going to move out to LA in June. I went as far as to find a really good job at the California Science Center working in the guest services departme...
Posted by Kristin on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 01:30:00 PST