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I am here for Networking

About Me

There are three types of people in this world. The type that hold you back, the type that keep you at a stand still, and those that inspire you to be better and move you further along. I try to be that type of person for all those in my life. I am a loyal friend, sister, daughter, aunt, and will do anything for those I love. I don't want much...just to change the world!!On a lighter note, I love to hang out with my friends, my girls, spend time with my niece, and hang out with my R&B crew. They keep me going when I get tired and most of all they know me and still love me!! They are always there for me no matter what crazy ideas/projects I come up with they always support me. Got of love them! I love love to smile/laugh. Life is too short to be upset or mad. We all have issues/problems. It's best to focus on the good than the bad.I believe in Karma, soulmates do exits, true love, and that all it takes is one moment to change your whole life. THE END.

My Interests

I am a first generation student to enter/graduate from college. My passion is to help as many students not only get into college but help them know about the financial aid, scholarship and admission process. I picked this as a my career because when you love what you never work a day in your life!!When I am not doing that you can find me dancing salsa. I love the music and the art of the dance. I organize and promote the Texas Salsa Congress. It's an event very dear to me due to it's connection to David Melendez. If you want more information check out



David Melendez
My mentor, my friend who started out helping me with the Texas Congress but became one of my closest friends. I will always try my best to honor your name and the lessons you taught me. I was blessed to have you in my life and to have you let me in your life the way you did.
For those of you who did not know him you can be certain that his legacy will continue and he will continue to bless us. He will always be with us. Always...



Books!! Anyone who really knows me knows that they can find me spending hours on any given day at the bookstore/or coffee shop reading. To me a bookstore is like a candy store to a kid. I read all the time, usually 2/3 books at a time in case I get bored. All I can say is that I have had a few books in this world that have changed me either because they have made me question my beliefs, help mold me, or given me a total new perspective on all together.