. . . JeRrY . . . profile picture

. . . JeRrY . . .

I bAkE mUfFiNs FOr A LiViNg . . . ThAt'S hOw I gOt My NaMe . . . ItS tOo BaD tHoUgH . . . cUp CaKiNg

About Me

Your Birthdate: March 16
You're incredibly introverted and introspective. You live inside your head.
You spend a lot of alone time meditating and thinking.
People see you as withdrawn, and at times they are right.
You are caring and deep, but it may be difficult for you to show this side of yourself.
Your strength: Your original approach to thinking
Your weakness: You tend to shy away from others
Your power color: Pale blue
Your power symbol: Wavy line
Your power month: July What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
NoTe To ViEwErS - pIcTuReS fOr SuNdAy, JuNe 24, JuNe 28, AnD jUnE 30 WiLL bE pOsTeD sOoN . . . tOo MaNy PiCtUrEs To UpLoAd . . . UnDeR sUpeR mAjOr CoNsTrUcTiOn . . .
OkAe . . . SsSsSoOoOoO . . . i SaId I wAs ReALLy BoReD . . . wELL . . . i WaS . . . (tHe NeXt DaY). . .
BeRkELeY aNd HeR cOaCh BaG . . . hOw SsSsUuUuPpPpEeEeRrRr AsIaN oF hEr . . .
SuPeR rEaLLy BoReD wItH tHe InNeR cIrCLe . . .
CLuBbInG wHoRe ViSiTiNg Me On HeR dAy OfF . . . aLsO, sHe BoUgHt Me A wAtErMeLoN tApIoCa DrInK fRoM cHiNaToWn . . .
WaIt . . . WhO's ThIs . . . Oh WaIt . . . ItS bAd BoY fUrRrRr . . . AnD wHaT tHe HeLL iS hE dOiNg . . . HoLy GeEzErS . . .
SsSsSsOoOoOo . . . ThIs Is WhAt BaD bOy FuRrRrR dOeS oN hIs BrEaK tImE - hE hIdEs In ThE cOrNeR . . . LiTeRaLLy . . . AnD tALkS oN hIs CeLL pHoNe . . . HoLy FrEaKiN' gEeZeRs . . .
HoLLiStEr GiRL's ChAnEL bAg IsN't JuSt MaDe FoR a WoMaN, iTs ALsO mAdE fOr A mAn . . . JuSt LoOk @ GoOmBa . . .
HoLLiStEr GiRL's BaG iS vErSaTiLe . . . YoU cAn ALsO uSe It As An AcCEsSoRy On YoUr HeAd Or In ThIs CaSe, A nEcKLaCe . . .
HoLLiStEr GiRL - "I wOuLd Be ShOcKeD tOo . . ."
RaNdOm PiCtUrEs WitH tHe InNeR cIrCLe . . . As YoU cAn SeE, i WaS rEaLLy BoReD . . .
HeY . . . iT's BrOwN eMiNeM . . .
ShOrT aSs WhOrE iS sSsSsOoOoOoO nOt LoOkInG @ mY cAmErA pHoNe . . . UuUuUgGgGhHhHh . . .
RaNdOm PiCtUrEs @ ThE eMbArCaDeRo CeNtRe In SaN fRaNcIsCo . . .
PhOtOgRaPhEr TaKeN bY cLuBbInG wHoRe . . .

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

ThE mAfiOsOs oF tHe "InNeR CiRcLe . . ."

D tU sQuArEd . . .

TaEqUeShA . . .

BaD bOy FuRrRrR . . .

Mr. BLiNg BLiNg . . .

RaGgEdY aNdY. . .

MeLLoW B . . .

CaRaMeL tWiXxXx . . .

RoBeRtItO . . .

ThE fReNcH sLuT . . .

RoCkIn RoB . . .

GoOmBa . . .

TeLeTuBbY tAqUiTo . . .

BrOwN cHrIs 66 . . .

LoNg . . . LoNgEr . . . LoNgEsT . . .

ThE "a" GaMe . . .

DeZ . . .

MaCk DaDdY mO . . .

DaRuDe . . .

ChRiStIaN yAnIk . . .

RaD rObBiE . . .

MaSoN wYLeR . . .

FoX rYdEr . . .

JaSoN hAwKe . . .

AdAm BoUsKa . . .

IcE cReAm TrUcK . . .

FeRrY cOrStEn . . .

ThE sHaY . . .

TiëStO . . .

PaUL vAn DyK . . .

PeTeR . . .

StAaS . . .

JoSh . . .

BrIaN . . .

PaUL oAkEnFoLd . . .

KaSkAdE . . .

MaRkY mArK . . .

WoNdEr RoCkS . . .

Mr. GhEtTo FaBuLoUs . . .

ELeMeNtAL eD . . .

ThE cOrRuPtOr . . .

ViEw ALL oF mY fRiEnDs OuTsIdE tHe "InNeR cIrCLe . . ."


TrAnCe, FrEeStYLe, DaNcE, hOuSe, ALtErNaTiVe, RoCk, CLaSsIcAL, pOp, JaZz, CoUnTrY

