I'm pretty sure that I've met most of the people who are really important to me. If you think you're special, I'd love to meet you.....
For some odd reason country music has rubbed off on me. Other then that, I'm pretty open to anything that doesn't suck.
Comedy's are my favorites. "Major League" pretty much ranks up at the top of my list. I have every episode of Seinfeld on TIVO. Sad, yes. But, I'm a sucker for comedies. I also love Mafia movies. "A Bronx Tale," "The Godfather," and "Goodfellas" are some of my favorites. Other then that, I'm pretty laid back.
This may have been the easiest question. My parents are my heroes. They raised me to be a pretty good person. I have my faults, but they did a pretty good job. If I can be half as good as they were, I think I may have some pretty good kids.