Kat profile picture


We all have our own demons to battle.

About Me

Born Kathy Kim Ong, but sometimes when I don't get a good vibe from someone, I tell them my name is yosashcabob (good one huh?) I'm officially old now, at least I feel it. I recently graduated from the University of Iowa. WOW, that went by fast *sniff*sniff* Now lets put that education to the test. I recently had a great offer in Chicago (Sr, Financial Analyst), but decided not to take it for personal reasons. Well lets be honest, I'm a sucker for Erron so relocating with him. I recently finished interviewing in Des Moines and for an even better position so it will make me feel good about life and my decision if I get it :) My back up plan......I think I'll be a coloring book artist.
I love love love love love rice. If you ask my boyfriend, he'll tell you that I can eat it with just about anything. I would die if I ever do that no carb thing - might explain why little miss piggy isn't just a cartoon anymore.
I love my friends, family and my dog. If you know me, need not to even mention my very best friend - KENT! We've known each other ever since 3 years old. He is a whole paragraph in itself, so if you ask I'll tell you about our crazy times together. Not enough room to talk about him, except to say FABULOUS!!!! I have a huge family of eight. Crazy! Then there is my cute dog Niko. LOVE HIM MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF.
I can blab forever, so lets stop before I start talking about power toothbrushes. Which by the way is genius. "I wish your tongue could feel how clean my teeth is."

My Interests

Cool Slideshows

I'd like to meet:

Family back in Vietnam
Jay Leno
The great inventors of the world
I would love to pick Oprah's brain
A traveler to hear all his great stories
I would like to meet the friends I made studying abroad in Japan again. It was the most amazing thing I ever did and hope to someday see them again.


Anything Indie, Alternative, or Techno. Musicals must also be added to that list.


Possibly the CUTEST MAN alive!


Grey's, Law & Order, Gilmore Girls, Everybody Loves Raymond, Top Chef, Documentaries, News - national and not local (I live in Iowa).


Most Asian American Literature - Chang-rae Lee, Amy Tan. Toni Morrison, the Bluest Eyes. So many more..... I think I was influenced a great deal by my AP English teacher, Mrs. Feurhelm. She was such a feminist.


My Mother. I can't even begin to explain why my mother is a hero. I am so thankful for her!