Cool Slideshows
Family back in Vietnam
Jay Leno
The great inventors of the world
I would love to pick Oprah's brain
A traveler to hear all his great stories
I would like to meet the friends I made studying abroad in Japan again. It was the most amazing thing I ever did and hope to someday see them again.
Anything Indie, Alternative, or Techno. Musicals must also be added to that list.
Possibly the CUTEST MAN alive!
Grey's, Law & Order, Gilmore Girls, Everybody Loves Raymond, Top Chef, Documentaries, News - national and not local (I live in Iowa).
Most Asian American Literature - Chang-rae Lee, Amy Tan. Toni Morrison, the Bluest Eyes. So many more..... I think I was influenced a great deal by my AP English teacher, Mrs. Feurhelm. She was such a feminist.
My Mother. I can't even begin to explain why my mother is a hero. I am so thankful for her!