Catrin Noise profile picture

Catrin Noise


About Me

Catrin je varijacija engleskog imena Catherine, naziva jedne od pjesama PJ Harvey. To je ujedno i posveta njoj kao jednom od stvaralaca popularne muzike ciji je opus ostavio znacajan trag na moj muzicki rast i razvoj. Noise je asocijacija na atmosferu velikih gradova. Nesto me neprestano privlaci u slici gradskih svjetala, zvukova, brzog zivota i akumulacije ljudi. Tezim tome da i moja muzika prenese tu atmosferu. Tekstovi su sazeto svjedocanstvo odnosa sa bliskim ljudima (i reakcija na njih), ponekad i rijec u njihovo ime. Orijentacija na elektronsku muziku je izraz zelje da se krene dalje u istrazivanje zvuka u odnosu na dominantne pravce na prostorima Bosne i Hercegovine i okolnih zemalja, ali i rezultat odusevljenja energijom koju nosi muzika nekih autora iz te oblasti (Bjork, Radiohead, Zero 7..). Nakon iskustva sa BL Kolektivom, projektom ciji je inicijator bio muzicar iz Banjaluke koji stoji i iza samostalnog projekta Plavi Podrum (, bilo je jasno da je to smjer kojim zelim i sama da krenem. Saradnja izmedju nas bila je vrlo uspjesna zahvaljujuci njegovoj viziji koja je uveliko doprinijela definisanju mog zvuka. Krajem 2007. godine desila se saradnja sa jos jednim muzicarem, Dinkom (, koji je producirao pjesmu Escape.My URL: --Catrin is a variation on Catherine, which is the title of a song by PJ Harvey. It is also a way of paying homage to her as one of the popular music writers whose work has had a big impact on my musical growth and development. Noise is my word association to the city atmosphere. There is something about city lights, noise, fast living and crowds that draws me irresistibly, hence the attempt to express the feel with my music. The lyrics are condensed expression of various feelings for people I am close to (and a reaction to them), at times even a statement on their behalf. The choice of electronic music expresses my wish to expand sound exploration in relation to other music genres dominant in Bosnia and Herzegovina and surrounding countries, but it is also a result of enthusiasm for the energy conveyed by artists such as Bjork, Radiohead, Zero 7... Having had a personal experience with the project called BL Kolektiv, whose initiator and cornerstone was a musician from Banja Luka (his current solo project is Plavi Podrum,, it was clear this was the direction I wanted to take. Our collaboration was fruitful thanks to his vision that has had a lot to do with my own sound definition. At the end of 2007, music chemistry worked between me and another musician from Banja Luka, Dinko ( ). He produced a song named Escape.My URL:[LOVEMYFLASH]

My Interests


Member Since: 2/24/2008
Band Members: Catrin Noise and everyone that ever participated.Catrin Noise - vocals Vlado - samples, guitar, production Goca - bass Gorjan - guitar, back vocals Bole - drums Shaba - percussions, performance
Influences: Zero 7, Bjork, Sia, Baxter, PJ Harvey, Radiohead, Morcheeba, Depeche Mode, Sade, Jose Gonzalez, Smoke City, The Doors, Morphine, Devendra Banhart, Plavi Podrum, Stereo MC's, Jeff Buckley, Erykah Badu, Alicia Keys, Telepopmusik, Ane Brun, Beyonce...
Sounds Like: Telepopmusik, Zero 7, Royksopp, Morcheeba, Baxter, Air, Bjork, Micatone
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Catrin Noise u Somboru

Catrin Noise nastupa 30.8. na somborskom festivalu QO5!!Vise informacija o festivalu mozete saznati ovdje: Noise...
Posted by Catrin Noise on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 09:41:00 PST

Nagrada akreditovanih novinara

Bend Catrin Noise osvojio je nagradu akreditovanih novinara na Demo festu, takmicenju demo bendova!!!Osim toga sto je time osvojio novcanu nagradu, bend se takodje direktno plasirao u finale takmicenj...
Posted by Catrin Noise on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 09:34:00 PST

Catrin at Demofest

If you like Catrin Noise, if you enjoy her music, there is a way to support her. Since she's performing at the Demofest, music festival for demo bands, you can support her by voting for her band here:...
Posted by Catrin Noise on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 01:59:00 PST

Catrin Noise na Demofestu

Catrin Noise je jedan od 36 bendova koji su prosli selekciju zirija i nastupaju na Demofestu! Takmicenje ce se odrzati od 19. do 26. jula na tvrdjavi Kastel u Banjaluci. Hvala ziriju!Catrin (:...
Posted by Catrin Noise on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 08:35:00 PST

Watched You

Hi everyone. Let me just inform you that there's one more song on the internet available for listening.  It's called Watched You and you can hear it here:
Posted by Catrin Noise on Mon, 19 May 2008 06:17:00 PST

New Song!

There is a new song on Catrins profile - All Of Nothing!Take a listen! :)Tnx ...
Posted by Catrin Noise on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 04:56:00 PST

Catrin Noise i RE_START

Na prvoj CD kompilaciji banjaluckih bendova pod imenom RE_START nasla se i  pjesma Watched You Catrin Noise i Plavog Podruma, ciji se projekat zvao BL Kolektiv.Preuzeto sa stranice UNS GETO ( htt...
Posted by Catrin Noise on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 01:42:00 PST

Catrin Noise - Neofest

Napokon! Catrin Noise nastupa uzivo!Catrin Noise nastupa 21.06.2008. godine na Neofestu 8 na tvrdjavi "Kastel",Live Stage!Banjaluka, BiH------------------------Finally! Catrin Noise performes live!Cat...
Posted by Catrin Noise on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 07:33:00 PST

Download my songs

Od subote 15.3.’08. na stranici mogu se skinuti dvije pjesme Catrin Noise: An Evening Breeze i All Of Nothing. To ce biti moguce jos samo nekoliko dana,&nbs...
Posted by Catrin Noise on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 11:59:00 PST