What is the Official NASCAR Members Club?The Official NASCAR Members Club is the Official Association of the NASCAR® family. As an Official Member of NASCAR you will receive many benefits including unique opportunities to get closer to the sport, drivers, teams and other NASCAR fans. All Members receive an exclusive kit and access to a Members-Only website that provides more details about the program and its unique opportunities, including:1.Thousands of Local and National Shopping, Dining, Movie and Attraction discounts2.Members-Only race weekend VIP treatment & experiences3.Official Member Magazine4.Thousands of Local Chapters & Headquarters across the country to bring NASCAR to your hometown5.Enjoy local race-watch parties and Local Chapter events with Members who share your passion for NASCAR6.Members-Only website featuring customized NASCAR news, events schedule, Local Chapter activities, Pre and Post-race news about your favorite driver, chats and discussion forums7.Weekly club E-newsletter8.10% OFF all purchases at NASCAR.com above and beyond all existing discounts9.Exclusive Race Ticket offers and travel packages10.Access to purchase exclusive Member Gear, limited edition merchandise and collectibles11.NASCAR Celebrity Q&A sessions
Are the drivers a part of this club? Absolutely, 16 NASCAR Champion drivers and 2 NASCAR Champion car owners are Charter Members. These champions participate in several different ways, including providing access and direct communications with the members. Plus, many other NASCAR drivers participate in events with the Official NASCAR Members Club. If you are wanting to Join the Official NASCAR Members Club please check out www.ONMC.com then click on not a member yet? Click here to register button and it will take you to a secure page so you can register for 30 day free trial and free gift or you can call 1-877MYNASCAR (69627227). Thank you!
All the men and women that are protecting us, so we may be free. All the Dr's, Nurses, police men & woman, fire fighters, EMT ans all the lab techs that help save our lives in one way or the other everyday. I wish to thank all of your from the bottom of my heart. THANK YOU FOR A JOB WELL DONE!!!!