the usual.
Anyone who inspires me. Anyone who intrigues me. Anyone who challenges me. Anyone who amazes me. Anyone who can hold my interest. Only people who respect the truth. I cannot and will not waste my time with people who tell lies.
Hip Hop, R and B, and oldies are my favorites but I enjoy all types of music.
Love and Basketball, Friday, Menace II Society, Love Jones, etc., etc. I don't go to the movies too frequently anymore.
The First 48, Cold Case Files, all the crime shows. Girlfriends. Some, but not all reality TV. Almost anything on TLC, Discovery Channel. Of course the reruns of all the old favs.
Iceberg Slim, Donald Goins (Whoreson, Blackgirl Lost, etc), The Coldest Winter Ever, Omar Tyree, J. California Cooper, Sheneska Jackson, Bebe Moore Cambell, Connie Briscoe, Valerie Wilson Wesley...
My two grandmothers and all of my aunts!!!