Bibilical Prophecy as it relates to God's Purpose. Ministring to those who are looking to be built up. helping people who want to make ends meet. Hey I am a simple man.I have all that one needs. The wants I leave to others.I am a spititual man,whose God and his Saviour comes first. I have a beautiful family that I adore. I have serious back problems, that limit what I can do on a daily bases. I have not worked in 7 years. And yet in spite of this I continue to be happy, because I am a simple and spiritual man. Walking by Faith not sight. http://[email protected].
People who are called friends and those who would like to network.
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http://[email protected] cartoon layout @ HOT MyHotComments
I grew up listening to all types of music. Most of my early listening was soul & blues. One of my brothers liked Elvis, my dad liked country and Larence Welch. There was R&B and some classic. Not into Heavy Metal!!!
I grew up watching Westerns , Kung Fu flicks and the Bond movies. Used to love to go to the Drive In, there was about 6 in our city. They are extinct now.
Television has robbed so much of life where do you start?
Well you might call me A-literate, don't get it twisted, I can read and read well. It's just I don't like to read. "Remember that Tevevision"
My God and his Saviour, My dad and my mother, without whom I would not be the person I am. And all who nurtured what they saw in me.