Crush this person!
Interesting/Random Facts about Sara(h) Pants:
-i used to be Godzilla.. but i didnt like people always running away from me and i was tired of fighting those ugly foos
-if you know me you know that i skate to Death From Above 1979 always and then move to Distillers or something of that nature
-i speak/spell how i type.. and i dont care about all know what i mean anyway so stfu
-i can guess the movie by any quote..same with songs
-i can pretty much sleep anywhere
i got hit by a car 5 times.. and yes everytime sucked
-You cant touch my guitar hero skills
-i can hxc dance to any song you can think of
i have to move every 20 min at least. even in my sleep
-i flip the pillow to get to the cool side when i sleep
-my stomach is made out of cast iron
-my leg twitches when i sit down for too long
-i build the best sand castles ever.. and forts too
-i have a metal plate in my head
-i am actully scorpion from Mortal Kombat O_O
-i will whoop your arse on any of the following:mortal kombat,dragon ball z,GH 1 & 2,Halo need for speed..pretty much any fighting game and whatnot.
Messages before adds arent mando but theyre nice. :D
*edit: due to the fact that i keep gettin all theese peeps addin me, itsd be great to at least tell me where you saw my page at n the reason why you added me.. id just like to know.. thxmuch
I want to meet someone that will make me want to play this song everytime i think of them, any takers?(i know its not a "love song" but to me it is thxmuch)
brand new is the best band ever
the end.
and if you havent heard of them please make youre way to a moat of alligators for you to swim in :)
i love the lion king. seriously best movie ever.
tv kills brain cells..
PRISON BREAK!!, americas next top model, ANYTHING n EVRYTHING on the bravo channel, Iron chef, Gilmore girls, VH1, FUSE!,Dead like me, and summore i cant member right now
but not in that order..
Dantes Inferno, Perks of being a wallflower
Christopher Walken..Zena..Buffy.. and teh power rangers
and this rad dude here