Sulonen profile picture



About Me

In English:
Sulonen started out in the year 2006, playing music inspired by the Swedish 70’s rock scene. The idea came to life as two mates (Nils Bark and Linus Nyman) had a couple of pints and played guitar/sang songs. The more beer they had, the better the idea of founding a band sounded. They agreed it needed to be done!
They weren’t alone on the project for long. Friends Simon Gustafsson, Mumin Jämsén and Mikael “Mad Mike” Palmfjord teamed up soon enough, and together they decided that the Swedish protest rock scene was all but dead – it had just been sleeping, they reckoned. Ergo, the first Sulonen line-up (the band was called Godare än Fläsk back then) was born:
Nils Bark – Guitar
Mad Mike Palmfjord – Bass guitar
Mumin Jämsén – Keyboards
Simon Gustafsson – Clarinet and Drums
Linus Nyman – Vocals
That set didn’t last for long, seeing how it turned out to be rather difficult for Simon to handle the drums as well as playing his clarinet. Along came Anders “The Wiz” Brinkman to save the day! With a proper drummer onboard the band could continue to grow without having to consider constant flaws within the rhythm section. It worked out nicely until the band faced a major setback – guitarist and beloved founder Nils decided that the music wasn’t really his first priority and left the band to pick up studying.
Mike picked up the guitar, and after searching for some time after a new bassist they found him in Viktor “Ickoo” Karlsson. The show went on. The band now switched name to Sulonen, and kept writing new songs enjoying life just as much. The music grew steadily tighter due to personal improvement, but also because of Ickoos arrival. His funky touch coloured every tune in his way, and everything felt brilliant! Until Mike decided that military duty was his way to go, thus leaving the band. New guitarist wanted!
The blokes continued to make music, now shifting language (to English) and sound. They experimented with a darker, more bar oriented, funky sound without any guitars. They never felt like it was their way to go, though, and questions like “shall we quit” started arising. No one wanted to do so, instead they decided to look for a new guitarist. “The Wiz” worked his magic and came up with a chap called Jesper “Jazz” Hentula. He played the other band members a sample of Jazz shredding away. They all loved it and Jazz was IN!
Sulonen is a pop/rock band with its feet covered in most of everything and LSD. The particular brand of music is therefore, if even possible, very hard to pinpoint – seeing how everyone in the band has their different influences the songs take shape accordingly. The songs pretty much all sound different, but they also carry that one indefinable thing that makes every song sound like it belongs within the unity.
Some call it heart.
We call it Sulonen.
(based on a true biography, only the names n events have been changed)
(The picture above portraits the original line-up, and it's taken at our second gig ever. Quite a few things has happened since then! From the left: Simon Gustafsson, Micke Palmfjord, Linus Nyman and Nils Bark)

My Interests


Member Since: 2/22/2008
Band Members: Jazz Hentula - Gitarr
Simon Gustafsson - Klarinett och Saxofon
Ickoo Karlsson - Bas
Anders Brinkman - Trummor
Mumin Jämsén - Klaviatur
Johan "Konus" Brinkman - Gitarr
Linus Nyman - SÃ¥ng

Influences: Life
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Big OI to everyone who cares!Thx Kajrocken and Katrineholm, gig finished. It wasn't one of our best performances, we know tha', n we're really sorry. It's strange, really: a gig in Katrineholm shouldn...
Posted by Sulonen on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 03:16:00 PST

Tack flen!

andra gången i flen, precis lika kul som förra gången. nu har vi tjuvstartat augusti! tack till Lantz för arrangemanget, hoppas få tillfälle att gigga ihop igen snart. ett enormt tack till MR C, som l...
Posted by Sulonen on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 08:44:00 PST

Ännu en sommar döende?

vi befinner oss i juli, den sista högsommarmånaden. i ryggen har vi sena kvällar i gott sällskap, beväpnade med gott humör och minns dagarna på stranden, festivalbesöken, konserterna, flört...
Posted by Sulonen on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 09:33:00 PST


Helt jävla otroligt, vilken publik! Vi spelade nyligen i Flen på ett evenemang kallat Ungdomsyran. Galet kul, kan jag säga och tala för hela bandet. Förutsättningarna var tveksamma, eller, det trodde ...
Posted by Sulonen on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 12:08:00 PST


Sulonen pular just nu med att få ner ny musik på en porta (ett slags bärbar studio där man lägger rough cuts) för att sedan så snabbt som möjligt ta oss in i en studio. Vi har även lagt upp en ny låt ...
Posted by Sulonen on Tue, 13 May 2008 03:06:00 PST

Vi e Santo!

Nyheten har just nått oss att lirarna i det fett sköna bandet Vi é Santo som vi snackat om tidigare, tagit sig vidare som wildcard! Skönt att se att dom nu dyker upp i distriktsfinalen i e-tuna - dera...
Posted by Sulonen on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 07:17:00 PST


Så var då semifinalen i rockkarusellen avklarad. Resultatet var inte till vår fördel - Endless Cirkulation och Centicore knep biletterna till distriktsfinalen i E-tuna. Vi vill tacka alla band vi har ...
Posted by Sulonen on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 09:02:00 PST


Hehe.. Om ni fick boxas mot vem som helst, levande som död, vem skulle det bli då? Tanken slog (hahaha) mig för ett tag sedan att det vore skitkul att boxas med Micke Persbrant (eller Kjell Bergkvist,...
Posted by Sulonen on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 10:19:00 PST


VI! Äntligen har vi meddelats resultaten från Rockkarusellen - äntligen vet vi att vi avancerat! Sjukt kul att vi gått vidare, sjukt kul att vi kommer att spela på hemmaplan (vi SKA få Katrineholm att...
Posted by Sulonen on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 08:36:00 PST

Att spela klappfull

I fredags (21/3) hade vi en spelning i Forssjö, en liten håla utan för vår hemhåla, med uppdraget att glädja en skara människor på en 18-årsfest. Skitkul, en spelning är en spelning men det är något v...
Posted by Sulonen on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 11:13:00 PST