I'm super sarcastic, most of the time people don't understand it and think I'm a cunt, really I'm not
I'm a quiet person but occasionally I will say the funniest, pant pissing, die laughing, one liner, and you automatically fall in love with me
I always carry a bag with everything I may need if I decided I never want to go home again
I'm a great friend. I'm an even better enemy
My friends mean the world, once youre my friend youre my family
Honesty is one of my favorite things
So is laughing
Oh and when people try to talk like Christopher Walkin
I drive fast
I drive ALOT
I work 2 jobs durring the day i work at an animal hospital in santa rosa, and at night i'm a coat check master/security ata club call slim's in san fran. i love my jobs but they take up all my time
I eat popcorn like a five year old [I pick up as much popcorn as I can fit in my hand and then shove it all in my mouth making a huge mess]
I'm the person that will tell you, you have shit in your teeth
I sometimes talk in strange voices and accents, and I honestly don't know why
My glasses are almost always crooked
My eye make up is always smudged
Find your own pose !