~ Bella Demise ~ profile picture

~ Bella Demise ~

Winners never quilt, and quilters never win.

About Me

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Lucky Clover

I have a beautiful boy Johnny, and the most wonderful husband on earth, Joel. I love both of my boys very much! They are super special!What a wedding photo, huh?We have a '55 Buick Super named Stella. She's a work in progress. Here's what's been done so far. A BIG thank you to Barn Fresh Rods and Customs for helping us to make Stella look better and better everyday!!!......... ..

My Interests

I enjoy going to garage sales and the flea market to 'treasure hunt'! It's usually the highlight of my week. I collect all sorts of things, any and all things kitschy. I have a modest collection of vintage pyrex, cookbooks, handmade aprons, tikis, hair combs, gaudy jewlerey, tattoo flash art, bakelite, and chalkware. I love all things 40's, 50's, and 60's, pop culture, tiki, polynesian pop, kustom culture, atomic...and as my husband calls most of it, ugly crap. I love pin-up art, tattoos, learning more everyday, clothing design, sewing, floral aranging, baking, cooking, and gardening...My favorite pin-up artist is Gil Elvgren, his work is absolutely beautiful...

I'd like to meet:

Nice people with similar interests.Ginnifer Goodwin, she is now officially my favorite actress. David Arquette, I love him and I don't care that you don't. Michael Madsen, because he is hott for an older guy. Jamie Kennedy, Dane Cook, and Nick Swardson I think they are funny as hell! Christian Slater, I still love him. And Brittney Spears, I admit it...she's a trainwreck and I love her for it........ .........


I love all kinds of music...anything from The Gimmies to Necromantix to George Jones to Dropkick to any of the three Hanks to Elvis to Social D to Minor Threat to Patsy Cline to The Reverand Horton Heat to Slayer to Roy Orbison to Op Ivy to Motley Crue. Protein is the best local band ever! I love to go to shows. I love punk, poppy punk, oi, rockabilly, psychobilly, classic country, ska, and metal. Check out these really cool bands... www.thehelletons.com / www.hostility1.com /


My favorite movies are True Romance, Raising Arizona, Swingers, Bubba Ho Tep, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Mona Lisa's Smile, Haggard, Cry Baby, SFW, Army of Darkness, and Airplane. Anything by Coen brothers, Tarantino, Kevin Smith, Mel Brooks...anything with Bruce Campbellps - my favorite movie is Ready To Rumble. Seriously.


I am seriously addicted to Jeopardy, Laguna Beach, Lost, and WWE Raw. I am not lying. I also love The Simpsons and could school you in Simpson's trivia. I also watch a lot of sports. Go Car Number 8! Go A's! Go Raiders!


I'm still working on 'The Stand'...My cousin Jesse told me I have to read it, but I doubt I'll ever finish it. Who has time to read anyway?


Gina because she tought me how to heard geese, Leilani and Matt because they are awesome parents, Jack Black because he rocks my face, Christine because she knows more about Brit than even I do, John Cena because he is still hot even after getting his ass kicked, and Joel because he is the funniest person I know. ..... .....

My Blog

I would rather...

Scuba dive or skydive:skydiveCheat on a test and pass or not cheat and fail:fail Lose your sense of sight or lose your ability to hear:HearingGo to a baseball game or go to a football game:baseball......
Posted by ~ Bella Demise ~ on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 10:10:00 PST

My favorite things

1. Pajamas: A beater and flannel pants 2. Vacation spot: I really want to see Graceland before I die3. Fruit: cherries and oranges 4. Shampoo: Bed Head5. Actress: Ginnifer Goodwin6. Desert: Chees...
Posted by ~ Bella Demise ~ on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 10:19:00 PST

10 Quirky Things About Me

Okay, Okay. I got tagged, so here are 10 quirky things about me: 1. I am afraid of EVERYTHING! You name it, I bet I either fear it or something related to it. The things I am most afraid of are...spid...
Posted by ~ Bella Demise ~ on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 10:37:00 PST

My first time...

20 firsts... 1.Who was your first prom date? Brian Gebala...I went to his2. Who was your first roommate? Jessica, Ryan, Ben, Zeke, and John 3. What was the first alcoholic beverage you drank when you ...
Posted by ~ Bella Demise ~ on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 12:21:00 PST


I have realized something. Forgiveness is the true key to happiness. Resentment only brings negitivity. To those of you who have forgiven me for things I have done, I am truley blessed to call you a f...
Posted by ~ Bella Demise ~ on Wed, 17 May 2006 09:11:00 PST

One Word

1. Yourself: Hectic2. Your Lover: perfect3. Your hair: frusterating 4. Your Mother: helpful5. Your Father: missed6. Your Favorite Item: Levis7. Your Dream Last Night: dunno 8. Your Favorite Drink: Pep...
Posted by ~ Bella Demise ~ on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 11:22:00 PST

Old Friends

I can't even explain how happy I am that my old friends have found me on here. Shout out time!!! Gina, Annie, Glu Pac, Thea, Christine...jeez Christine and I go back 20 years! We're so old. But most o...
Posted by ~ Bella Demise ~ on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 10:36:00 PST

Let's Try This Again...Stella Progress Photos

http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b228/johnnydemise/BUICK-11 .jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b228/johnnydemise/BUICK-08 .jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b228/johnnydemise/11-14-05 -17.jpg ht...
Posted by ~ Bella Demise ~ on Wed, 16 Nov 2005 11:56:00 PST

Wedding Pictures!!!!!!

So here are some wedding pics. Not great ones, but I will post more as they come in! http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b228/johnnydemise/laughey. jpg http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b228/johnnydemise...
Posted by ~ Bella Demise ~ on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 12:15:00 PST

3 Things

THREE NAMES YOU GO BY: 1. Tori 2. Mama 3. Lovehead THREE THINGS THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY: 1. The thought that Johnny will be here soon so that I can stop being kicked in the bladder 2. My new lizard frien...
Posted by ~ Bella Demise ~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST