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Life is What U Make It, Ni*** Ima Make it!

About Me

Glisten shines. Boasting a full-bodiedsound, masterfully mixed, with bold samplingtechniques, an assertive vocal approach andcutting edge lyricism, this ahead-of-the-game18-year-old produces and engineers all his ownhard-hitting hip-hop right in his own studio.This Floridian (born and raised) unleashesprofessional music from his Hialeah home thatcan compete with any big-label artist forquality and potency of expression. His name isGabriel Garcia and, as Glisten, he's ready torock the rap industry to the bone with his noholds barred musical muscle.
Glisten's genre-redefining hip-hopbristles with never-back-down attitude andburns with the kind of passion required to fuelmusic that strikes out with this kind ofimpact. “Music awakens a sleeping fire in mysoul, which gives me a new energy and enablesme to reach another state of mind.” Thetranscendent quality of Glisten's evocativehip-hop stylings is fully evident in itsability to totally capture the listener, whoseattention focuses to a tight bead, absorbing asolid message delivered with wit andirresistible grooves. It takes heart to makemusic this dynamic, says Garcia. “Music is bestwhen it comes from the heart, from the soul.”Music can only have this kind of connectionwith listeners if it's delivered with brutalartistic honesty. “You jot down true lifeexperiences and express them with sincereemotions,” he says. Garcia also cites theshattering of artificially limiting parametersas a key to success. “It's the art where thereare no rules and boundaries restricting whatyou can accomplish. The creativity that can beused is endless.”
Success Inspires Success
Few things will drive Glisten to pursuesuccess more than seeing others accomplishtheir goals. He is also encouraged to succeedby those to attempt to discourage him. Garciatakes that as a challenge; it only motivateshim that much more to push ahead, clear thehurdles and come out on top. “I'm inspired bywitnessing other people succeed, individualswho are negative about my goals and say I willnever amount to anything and hearing an awesomebrand new song because it makes me want tocreate a better one.” And the source of successis quite simple: If you have the requisitetalent – and make no mistake, Glisten does –then the way to convert that talent frompotential energy to kinetic energy is by good,old-fashioned hard work. “I'm writing everyday; it never stops.” Neither does recording.With his own studio right at his fingertips,Glisten is able to fine tune and tweak hisalready magnificent sound daily, constantlyreaching for new levels and relentlesslypushing the envelope.
Hard Work Pays Off
All this writing and recording can onlymean one thing. New music is on the way. Garciahas announced the forthcoming release of“Hidden Treasures Vol. 1.” If you haven'talready heard Glisten, you owe it to yourselfto check this out – pronto. “I know if Icontinue to progress and devote the time anddedication that I am right now toward my music,I have faith that one day my dreams of becominga top artist will come true. I have a positivemindset on my goals and with God on my side,there will be no one to slow me down and noobstacle I won't be able to overcome.” Garciais currently working with A&R Select, thehottest indie A&R firm in Hollywood, CA.
“It speaks volumes for Glisten'sformidable skills that an artist recording outof his own home can compose and produce musicon a par with the best mainstream artists inthe business. Hell, Glisten's better than mostof them!” - A&R Select

My Interests


Member Since: 10/19/2005
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Influences: 2pac, Big Pun, Eminem, Nas, Cormega, Jadakiss, Ludacris, I mean theres so many to choose from. I love all artists, whos music truly comes from the heart, whom are creative, and have their own unique style.
Sounds Like:Real powerful music displaying a southern flow and explicit lyrics
Type of Label: Indie