However, I am glad to hear that the cd is making its rounds through the younger set- being played in ipods throughout the SD elementary circuit. These students can sing along to every song, even the ones with heart wrenchingly personal lyrics, and do it with aplomb. Yes, aplomb. I look forward to releasing more albums for them, as they sift through the piles of meaningless and infantile drivel that is being offered to them by "pop" music producers. (Yes, Disney, that includes you.) I mean, can we as a community be happy that Hannah Montana is the height of musical maturity that these kids are hearing. She's not even a real person. But somehow, she and her alter ego Miley Cyrus (real person) have sold out stadiums across the world. Come on folks. Let's get real. Kids are smart. And savvy. When I was in 7th grade I was listening to the Doors and NOFX. Let's give our kids something to sink they're teeth into.
I'm happy to announce that there is still hope. I have the personal joy of teaching a few students who requested the following music to be included int their lessons: Leonard Cohen, Beastie Boys, Coldplay, Journey (come on, who doesn't love a little Journey), and Beethoven (okay it was Fur Elise, but that is way better than bringing in "Clumsy" by Fergie-the-pants-wetter.) With these little guys as my inspiration, I hope to continue to influence younger musical minds for the better. Though the odds are against us, we will over come.
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