Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Traveling, Black and White Cookies, Photography, Geography, Geology, Nature, Skiing, Walking, Skipping, Driving, Eating, Sleeping, Breathing, Laughing, Working, more Traveling, Mountains, Oceans, Thunderstorms, Socializing, Dancing, Good Wine, Good Beer, Good Friends, Good People, Planet Earth, Snow, Rain, Pizza and Fries, more Traveling, anything Raspberry, anything Inspiring.
Anything that puts a skip in my step! Or makes me want to kick someones ass.
Blue Velvet, Amadeus, Fight Club, American Beauty, The Usual Suspects, Amelie, Shallow Grave, Run Lola Run, Winter Sleepers, The Kill Bills, Go, The Royal Tenenbaums, Natural Born Killers, True Romance, Thelma and Louise, etc etc etc....
I have one. It keeps me company. I no longer hear voices.
A Confederacy of Dunces, The Gold Coast, Great Expectations, Holy Terror, The Perfect Victim, Yertle the Turtle or anything Dr. Suess, The Dictionary, Text Books, Roget A to Z , The World Atlas, Maps, The Spirit Catches You and You fall Down, James Patterson, Dean Koontzand Anne Rice all kept me up at night. Travel Books, Fiction, non fiction basically anything that gets me to page 2.
I haven't needed a rescue yet.