Fidel: Chewin It Over With Twix profile picture

Fidel: Chewin It Over With Twix

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Fidel's Company Fidel's Music..
Went to College at Kansas State University. That's right, go WILDCATS!!! (Never actually graduated, but who cares, I'm an actor..!)What else? Let's see...I grew up in about 5 different COUNTRIES is where I lived like ITALIAN is 1/2 of me and black is what my DAD was ex-MILITARY made me a bad-ass, slick-ass, tempermental-ass PERSONALLY I think I'm funny as HELL is what people call Kansas so I MOVED to NY in 2002 to try my hand at the ACTING thing hasn't made me famous like I want it TOO late I work at night as a PROMOTER must be socially smart as AN intelligent individual is what I am, but only if you think I'M immature, but only if it doesn't ruin my chance of getting that, GIRLS are number one but only if my Caddy HAS gas whenever I eat too many ONIONS I hate, but Jack Daniels I love my mother, but it doesn't make me a Mama's, BOY I wish that I had someone to LOVE the way that my hair looks when it's corn-ROWS and rows of people is how I LIKE to hang out on the corner until LATELY I can't sleep and I don't know WHY can't I live closer to my daughter who needs a FATHER, son, and holy spirit... Amen...
Something else about me, I've got a beautiful little girl named Jaida Genesis. She lives with her mother in Cali but hopefully we can get some plans together soon to get em to the big NY!

My Interests

"Certamente la Bella Italia!!

Perche' tutti sanno che c'e' un posto speciale nel mio cuore per L'Italia.

Specialmente Vicenza. Abitavo a Via Miani. Ricordo bene le caminate nel Centro, e non vedo l'ora di ritornare...

E Vicenza non e' la sola citta' che mi piace. Anche Milano e' micca male.

E per la mia familia a Verona...un bacione!!! Ma adesso ritorno al'Inglese. Se no, questi Americani si arrabbiano...!" Sorry, had to show a little love for any Italians reading my page. In a nutshell, I said I love Italy. Oh, speaking of which, my being 1/2 Italian almost threw me into a frenzy when they WON THE WORLD CUP in 2006!

But let's not forget my 2nd home...

"New York City..!"

New York City! Moved here in 2002 and don't plan on leaving anytime soon...even though the transportation looks like this...

Don't looks intimidating but it gets easier. Hmmm. Other than my two favorite cities...what else do I like?Well, let's see.

My daughter (How I miss her). Any kind of Cadillac.

People who are comfortable & love themselves (You look great, believe me), & good, cold, water. Oh, and if you're buying, I'd love a Jack and Diet Coke. Because...I mean come on. Everyone knows Fidel drinks Jack and Diet..!


This is a tough question. Music is my heart. That's like asking me which heartbeat I like the most...

Sting is still at the top of the list.



Metal. Techno, House, Hip Hop, Classical, and every now and then the stuff that makes the Pop stars rich.

What am I listening to right now? This second?

The Killers baby. I thought you knew..!


Waaaaayyyyy too many to put just one... Well to start, one of my favorites of all time (even though I really don't know wait, yes I do. I love planes and I love World War 2 history & this has both) Memphis Belle.

Even got to see the real thing down in Tennessee...
Then of course there's Shrek "Not my little gumdrop buttons!" (Luv ya Cesco!)
And who can forget the greatest trilogy of all time? Lord of the Rings!!
Speaking of great action flicks, I've gotta throw in 300. Like the best movie I've seen in 5 years!!
A lot of times I just throw in something that's gonna be amusing. Like Team America: World Police. "We've got 3 terrorists goin south on Bakalakadaka Street..!"

Oh. And you know what's really funny...for my birthday one year my daughter went with her mom to Toys R Us to pick me out a B-Day gift. And she picked out Spongebob Squarepants. Thanks Jaida. It's become an instant classic...

Then of course Kill Bill.
And most definitely without a doubt The Matrix.
Last, but not least, anything that I've been in..!
Since moving to New York I've mostly done tv and film. (I've also lost like 70 lbs since this headshot so I'm DYIN to get a new one!) But I have to be honest, I prefer theatre. And some of my favorite stuff was also my college.
The Crucible.
A Soldier's Play.
(As far as Independent Films I've taken part of, currently I'm pulling for PRISONER OF SPLENDOR to take honors. It already ran @ the Hollywood Film festival. And was accepted in 2006 @ the Barcelona International Film Festival. Crossing fingers for ya Vernon!!)
Also for your viewing pleasure I've included a movie of my own creation. I threw it together for the hell of it with pictures from the 2006 World Cup. Women of the World Cup that is. (Just make sure you stop any song that's playing before starting has its own music.)
.. .. ..


Any show that's NOT reality. Or some version of Reality. Or a show about old celebrities who are in a reality show about reality. Or any show about real people trying to win some kind of cash so that they can go home and change their reality. And especially no show about my life!! That would be too real. Hey wait a minute...that WOULD be a good idea for a show!
If I gotta watch the boobtube though, it's usually reruns of Family Guy.


Anything by Piers Anthony, especially Centaur Aisle.

And God bless my Ma who always had another one waiting for me!


First & foremost: Mom & Dad folks!

Because you gotta admit, it's just cool that an Italian woman from Verona, Italy...

...and an African-American man from Mobile, Alabama... together, fell in love, and have been married for over 30 years! And last, but not least: Babymamma.

She knows why.

My Blog

"So daughter’s the connection."

As most of you know, My daughter Jaida and her mother came to visit me in New York last week (thanks Christina!). Needless to say, while they were here, we had our fun and games in the Big Apple like ...
Posted by Fidel: Chewin It Over With Twix on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 04:44:00 PST

"Women, how I hate you...let me count the ways..."

First and foremost, to all of the women in the world out there that TRULY know me (like my mom, and Babymamma, and maybe 2 or 3 more), please ignore this. Because you know how I get...I get moody, and...
Posted by Fidel: Chewin It Over With Twix on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 10:42:00 PST

"F**k you Thanksgiving (aka: Friggin Turkey Day)"

Every year I throw hundreds of parties, surrounded by hundreds of people..Every year I enjoy the company of hundreds of people at hundreds of different locations.Every year I have to delete hundreds o...
Posted by Fidel: Chewin It Over With Twix on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 11:00:00 PST

"Things to do in NY...a fresh perspective..."

I made this list for a friend of mine who wanted to know what to do while in NY. After I wrote it, I figured a few others might wanna know as well. Thus the blog. Enjoy. _____________________________...
Posted by Fidel: Chewin It Over With Twix on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 09:19:00 PST

"I bought an X-Box 360 today...I’ll be MIA for a while."

So, I went and friggin did it. I finally dug deep down in my pockets, pulled out every penny, and am now the proud owner of an X-Box 360. I imagine my time (at least for the next month) will go someth...
Posted by Fidel: Chewin It Over With Twix on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 04:28:00 PST

"You can tell by the way I use my walk, I’m a woman’s man..." (Former Bulletin)

So apparently wearing a suit and tie to work every day makes you more appealing to the opposite sex...women have been hitting on me left and right, literally stopping me in the street......and I guess...
Posted by Fidel: Chewin It Over With Twix on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 04:06:00 PST

"Just when you least expect it, your wallet arrives in the mail..."

Yesterday, my mind was blown. I found myself enjoying the regular, run of the mill, average, old, everyday grind...when out of nowhere, my wallet arrived in the mail. Now it wasn't the fact that my wa...
Posted by Fidel: Chewin It Over With Twix on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 01:27:00 PST

"Even Fidel needs an apartment sometimes..."

Hey gang, my name's Fidel... "Hi Fidel..." I'm looking to rent a room, or share a place with a roommate. But no, it won't be terribly dreadful to get through, and there won't even be any h...
Posted by Fidel: Chewin It Over With Twix on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 02:17:00 PST

"I guess deep down inside...Shakespeare's what I want."

I find myself writing...again. The time is...well...too late to be early, and too early to be late... Insomnia strikes again... (Just for the hell of it I throw on Romeo & Juliet. The 2002 Baz Luh...
Posted by Fidel: Chewin It Over With Twix on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 06:05:00 PST

"Ode to my X Box..."

Hey gang. I found an old email that was written by me about 3 years ago. It was an email I wrote telling my friends and family why I was moving out of the place that I was in, after only living there...
Posted by Fidel: Chewin It Over With Twix on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 08:02:00 PST