"Certamente la Bella Italia!!
Perche' tutti sanno che c'e' un posto speciale nel mio cuore per L'Italia.
Specialmente Vicenza. Abitavo a Via Miani. Ricordo bene le caminate nel Centro, e non vedo l'ora di ritornare...
E Vicenza non e' la sola citta' che mi piace. Anche Milano e' micca male.
E per la mia familia a Verona...un bacione!!! Ma adesso ritorno al'Inglese. Se no, questi Americani si arrabbiano...!" Sorry, had to show a little love for any Italians reading my page. In a nutshell, I said I love Italy. Oh, speaking of which, my being 1/2 Italian almost threw me into a frenzy when they WON THE WORLD CUP in 2006!
But let's not forget my 2nd home...
"New York City..!"
New York City! Moved here in 2002 and don't plan on leaving anytime soon...even though the transportation looks like this...
Don't worry...it looks intimidating but it gets easier.
Hmmm. Other than my two favorite cities...what else do I like?Well, let's see.
My daughter (How I miss her). Any kind of Cadillac.
People who are comfortable & love themselves (You look great, believe me), & good, cold, water. Oh, and if you're buying, I'd love a Jack and Diet Coke. Because...I mean come on. Everyone knows Fidel drinks Jack and Diet..!
This is a tough question. Music is my heart. That's like asking me which heartbeat I like the most...
Sting is still at the top of the list.
Metal. Techno, House, Hip Hop, Classical, and every now and then the stuff that makes the Pop stars rich.
What am I listening to right now? This second?
The Killers baby. I thought you knew..!
Waaaaayyyyy too many to put just one... Well to start, one of my favorites of all time (even though I really don't know why...no wait, yes I do. I love planes and I love World War 2 history & this has both) Memphis Belle.
Even got to see the real thing down in Tennessee...
Then of course there's Shrek "Not my little gumdrop buttons!" (Luv ya Cesco!)
And who can forget the greatest trilogy of all time? Lord of the Rings!!
Speaking of great action flicks, I've gotta throw in 300. Like the best movie I've seen in 5 years!!
A lot of times I just throw in something that's gonna be amusing. Like Team America: World Police. "We've got 3 terrorists goin south on Bakalakadaka Street..!"
Any show that's NOT reality. Or some version of Reality. Or a show about old celebrities who are in a reality show about reality. Or any show about real people trying to win some kind of cash so that they can go home and change their reality. And especially no show about my life!! That would be too real. Hey wait a minute...that WOULD be a good idea for a show!
If I gotta watch the boobtube though, it's usually reruns of Family Guy.
Anything by Piers Anthony, especially Centaur Aisle.
And God bless my Ma who always had another one waiting for me!
First & foremost: Mom & Dad folks!
Because you gotta admit, it's just cool that an Italian woman from Verona, Italy...
...and an African-American man from Mobile, Alabama...
...got together, fell in love, and have been married for over 30 years! And last, but not least: Babymamma.
She knows why.