Officer Jones profile picture

Officer Jones

...And the installation is free

About Me

Hi I'm Deputy Jones, but you can call me jonesy. I'm 29, 6'2, and dark all over. I like to go by the motto "WWWCD" or "What would Wilt Chamberlain do?" I will not hesitate to beat your ass with your own shoe if you get out of line, so you best not be wearing heels. I am an aquarius, which may be responsible for the vibes I send off to women everywhere. I'm all for helping the attractive local prostitutes, either by giving them a ride home or providing a hotel room for them for the night. . . A while back, money was tight, so I had to do some "erotic dancing", not really a bad job. Good pay, great hours. . .I also was a singer for awhile, and had a local hit singing a carpet store jingle. It was huge. Many rumors have circulated around the office that I like the white breast meat of the chicken verses the dark leg meat. Let me set the record straight...I like the whole chicken. Give me the white meat, dark meat, breasts, legs, thigh, anything, it's all good!!

My Interests

Beating people with their own shoes, watching mime's get beat up by little kids, cruisin' the Reno streets with Garcia, doing...I mean chatting with Dep. Clementine, NOT HELPING DANGLE MOVE IN, visit strip clubs to help the strippers get on the right track, dancing, fighting crime

I'd like to meet:

Sidney Poitier, Chris Rock, OJ Simpson, Howard Stern, I'm not sure who else, I pretty much have met and/or done anyone I've wanted to meet.


Stevie Wonder, Barry White, Marvin Gaye, Janet Jackson, Sade, The Jackson 5, basically any motown or stuff to get into the mood with...Babyface, Bryan McKnight, Sexual Chocolate..... width="425" height="350" ..


Anything with Sidney Poitier, Beverly Hills Cop, Coming to America, Trading Places, Beverly Hills Cop 2, All of the Lethal Weapons, Big Backdoor Beauties 1-7, White Chocolate 1-9, Clemmy and Jonesy vol. 1, Mortal Combat, Cop and a Half, Blackula, Blackzilla, Foxy Brown, Shaft, True Lies...


Our little show called Reno 911 that documents the Reno Sheriff Department, Cops (what a bunch of free-loading copy-cats), Oprah, Saturday Night Live, Monday Night Football, Travis Smiley, Playboy Bunnies After Dark


How Stella Got Her Groove Back


Sidney Poitier, my father, OJ Simpson for getting Nicole Brown, Kenny Rogers, I'm my own hero because I save prostitutes!

My Blog

Stupid Dangle

So awhile ago at morning briefing, Dangle made a comment about CPT or Colored People Time which basically states that "colored" people are always late. I was mad at the time but I let it go and things...
Posted by Officer Jones on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 08:50:00 PST