We are a group of volunteers in the Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania area who believe in the message of change. We need change because this country has been steered off the wrong path. We need change to make America more equal. We need change to preserve our freedoms. We need change for a greener future. We need change because we need to bring America together. Working together for a much better America. This is the message of Senator Barack Obama. And we want him to be the next President of the United States.
We're looking for volunteers to help with the campaign. This includes everyone and anyone who would be willing to help however they can. From getting people registered to vote to to door-to-door canvassing, to helping with our phone bank. Or whatever ideas you have that can help to forward the message of Senator Obama. So check us out, and if you can, help us out. [email protected] , or by telephone (570)868-7033.