Shady Nic!! profile picture

Shady Nic!!

"Not only did I knock the buggie over,but the kid fell out!"

About Me

Howrya,Im Nicola or Nic is quicker to type.Suppose this is where I tell ya a lil about me. Im a lil crazy but it keeps the world interestin I think. My sence of humour can offend so apologies in advance;) but Im not gonna change!!Definitly a deep thinker but I gotta trust ya to let ya know what goes on in my lil head;) I love tryin new things and narrowing down the search of what Im supposed to do in the future!!!Cus I havnt a clue,it was easy to plan in skul cus my decisions were made for me then I stared engineerin in college and hated it with a passion so for the first time I quit somethin.Workin full time now but headin back to do an art course in september!!Cant wait:)My plan was to design cars since I love em so much but I couldn see that course gettin me there so ill try another way:)Il make it work.I dont give up easy on things I really want.whoever ya are hope your havin a good day and if not jus watch Naked gun or gimme a shout an one of us can hopefully help....
ps.will have some new funny pics up soon for you guys to laugh at:)

What Nicola likes

*Different and random people who arnt afraid to be themselves
*Driving a lil above the usual limit(shhh)! *My Dogs Zowie and Ella
*Hugh Cooney,check him out on youtube I cried I laughed so much!
*Mobile phones, I have too many,problem if you ever decide to work in a phone shop,it makes ya want the coolest ones,current ones are sony s500i love it and samsung f700v
*Zui suicide! ...."i shit too neeeh!"
*When you guys comment my pics and let me know what your thinkin!!
*My friends their all me in different form espaically Aimster
*MUSIC!It influences who I am down to what I wear,couldn survive without it and love singin and wrightin it
*Good films not this girly crap like Bridget Jones shite or antin
*Love laughin at the kids on my super sweet 16 and those sh*t shows,Id love to kick their ass by lettin em know what life is like for some people in this world and there could be some really inspiring things they could do with their money.The sight of them offends my eyes!!!!
*Private jokes and jokes about privates;)

What Nicola hates!grrr!

*When any of my friends are sad,i gotta make it better!
*When people dont look like their myspace pictures its weird
*Fiat Scicentos!!!!Have some respect for yourself
*Mean managers,if you have one just be thankful youl never be like them!!
*Sick animals :( nooooo!
*Ronan God Man!

My Interests

Oh good question... Art!I love drawing and Painting but i never keep my own stuff,makes for good presents! Catchin up with people!theres no one I know that I wouldn love to know what their doin or how they are!

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

Pretty much anyone,I prefer talking in person or over the phone, is much better!!
if I had to say someone famous Eminem or Zui!



Hmm I dont know who to say since I love all kinds! It definitly influences how I am and look ok em..ahem to say types Rock,Punk,Indie,Metal,Heavy Metal,Pop,Rap,Hip-Hop I could go on Bands would be Korn_old skul!!em Zebrahead,Eminem,alice in chains,Slipknot,Bad Religion,Luciana,Christina,jeasus best is you tell me who you like an chances are I do too!! I dont bitch about peoples taste in music and I dont fit into a certain group, I see talent in each kind so I can appreciate music properly.


Oh em lets go for Breakfast Cub,300,Halloween!Transformers, kevin smith stuff,Interview with the Vampire,Breaveheart,Tim Burton Baby!!Gone in 60 seconds,v for vendetta and Naked Gun to name a few.Jus dont put on a chick flick or itl kill me


Not to pushed on it,theres better shit to do.Scrubs and the usual porn


I have read one book in my life and that was for Skul I cant sit still long enuf!!


My grandaddy.Nicholas egan and Michael Collins.My Irish history is really important to me as well as is my irish language.