ps.will have some new funny pics up soon for you guys to laugh at:)
What Nicola likes
*Different and random people who arnt afraid to be themselves
*Driving a lil above the usual limit(shhh)! *My Dogs Zowie and Ella
*Hugh Cooney,check him out on youtube I cried I laughed so much!
*Mobile phones, I have too many,problem if you ever decide to work in a phone shop,it makes ya want the coolest ones,current ones are sony s500i love it and samsung f700v
*Zui suicide! ...."i shit too neeeh!"
*When you guys comment my pics and let me know what your thinkin!!
*My friends their all me in different form espaically Aimster
*MUSIC!It influences who I am down to what I wear,couldn survive without it and love singin and wrightin it
*Good films not this girly crap like Bridget Jones shite or antin
*Love laughin at the kids on my super sweet 16 and those sh*t shows,Id love to kick their ass by lettin em know what life is like for some people in this world and there could be some really inspiring things they could do with their money.The sight of them offends my eyes!!!!
*Private jokes and jokes about privates;)
What Nicola hates!grrr!
*When any of my friends are sad,i gotta make it better!
*When people dont look like their myspace pictures its weird
*Fiat Scicentos!!!!Have some respect for yourself
*Mean managers,if you have one just be thankful youl never be like them!!
*Sick animals :( nooooo!
*Ronan God Man!