nathalia profile picture


rum, sodomy & the lash

About Me

butterfly. are thou my fate, are thou my manifest, or are thou nothing but the perfection of myself?
elegância nos gestos, nos modos, na apresentação, na figura; aprumo, donaire, gentileza, distinção; porte marcial; pundonor; bizarria.

My Interests

ordinary and extraordinary. beer and wine. music and literature. sugar and spice.


As boas, as dançantes e definitivamente as caipiras.


the office


Clint Eastwood &
Abaddon Adramelech Ahpuch Ahriman Amon Apollyon Asmondeus Astaroth Azazel Baalberith Balaam Bast Beelzebuth Beherit Bile Chesmosh Cimeries Coyote Dagon Damballa Demogorgon Diabolus Emma Euronymous Feriz Gorgo Haborym Hecate Ishtar Kali Lilith Loki Mammom mania Mantus Marduk Mastema Melek Taus Mephistopheles Metzli Mictian Midgard Milcom Moloch Mormo Naamah Nergal Nihasa Nija O-Yama Pan Pluto Proserpine Pwcca Rimmon Sabazios Saitan Sammael Samnu Sedit Set Shaitan Shiva Supay Tchort Tezcatlipoca Thamuz Thoth Turida Typhon Yaotzin Yen-lo-wang