creating story lines, SKIPPING TOWN, hella homeyz, the magic sorceress elixir known as coffee, cooking/eating/dreaming about bomb ass vegan food, humyn collision, smoking (sea)weed every day, maniacal collaborating, being homesick, and celebrating my youth/womynhood.
scummy womyn writers who have beer for breakfast, midwives i can apprentice with and funny ass peepz
harold & maude, gummo, but i'm a cheerleader and anything by Jan Svankmajer. STOMP THE YARD
The Chapelle Show, Entourage, Degrassi
MAGICAL REALISM & CYBER-PUNK always and forever (I hate Kurt Vonnegut and J.D. Salinger-- get away from me with that shit)
my dad, dave chapelle (my baby) and food/fermented cider