B. F. F.
Sp!d3R M@n RoQk$$
[Some Fly Guys]
*Kalendar girl* is my Kalendar grl... Love me some REMY
got tha hottest cuzz EVER
[the flyes guy]
List 20 friends in random order:
1. Burts
2. Winbush
3. Black ashley
4. Corey
5. Brittany R.
6. Tiffney P.
7. Courtney
8. Chris A.
9. donte
10. Kiara
11. Brittany H.
12. Mic-Mic
13. Sherry
14. SHarde
15. Jasmine
16. Shanise
17. Sharise
18. Donna
19. Tay
20. Tha Squad
Now answer the following:
how did you meet 13? School in 8th grade
what would you do if you never met 5? i would hate to have not met Britt.R.
have you ever liked 3? no thats my bff LOL
what do you honestly think of 10? she cute
would or did 19 and 8 go out? no they don knoe eachother
if 1 died tomorrow, what is one thing you would need him/her to know? that i love my BFF to death
would 2 and 11 make a good couple? yea if they some dikeys LOL
describe 6 in three words: cute, FLy, CHinese..LOL
do you think 12 is beautiful? helllll no.
would 1 and 17 ever go out? yeah knowing britt they prolly would
what do you think of when you see 8? my son is fly...
tell me something humiliating about 11: i used to think she was gay...
do you know any of 7's family members? i met her mother once
what is 20's favorite color? they all like black & blue, i guess
on a scale from 1-10 how cute is 14? maybe 7 she aight man
what would you do if 4 just professed their undying love for you? fuck that fagg shitt LOL
what language does 19 speak? English bitch duhhhhh
who is 8 going out with? nobody sike i'on knoe man
does 2 have any siblings? yeah a brother thats 9 feet tall LOL
is 15 single? no that trick aint single
what is 10's fantasy? she want me sike i dont knoe girl
what school does 16 go to?
would you makeout with 13?
what grade is 17 in? 12th
when is the last time you talked to 12? almost everyday
what is 3's favorite band? TCB or gogo duhhhhhhhhhh
would you date 9? no bitch
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MySpace Video Comments
Lupe Fiasco
Kanye West
CoLorR? PuRpL3
IcE cReAm fLaVor? Lemon lime
FooD? Lasagna & Chittlin's
TV ShOw? 106 & Park
MoVie? S3+ i+ off
ThInG 2 Do? P@r+y duhhhhh
SpORt? Kick Ball Lol
HoLiDaYy? ©hr1$+m@s
aCtOr/AcTrEss? Regina King
SinGeR? Beyonce
NumBer? 6&7
VaCaTiOn SpOt? Florida
**hAvE yOu EvEr...
BeeN ouTSiDe tHe US? nope
BeeN iN LoVe? yea
BeeN FiReD? noo
CrIed AbOUt a GiRL/BoY? a lil bit
DrAnK aLcHoL? duhhhhhhh
BeeN DrUnK? yea a lot
SmOkEd? yeah duuuhhh
BeeN HiGH? boy shut up
**Do YoU LiKe...
FiSH? yea
PiZZa? love it
IcE cREaM? yea i want ur ice cream girl....
BaSeBaLL? hell no
RaP? yea a lil bit
RoCK? a teeny weeny bit
ArE yOu KeEpIngG a SeCreT fRoM SoMeOnE? yea from everyone