In the words of Marilyn Monroe in "Some like it Hot" - "I play the ukulele and I sing" - and thats what I do....she was a lot better looking though!I'm Peter, the tall one from the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain and this page is devoted to my alter ego Tony Penultimate and the quirky songs he/I write(s) which are all available online from this and other sites (like garageband or lastfm ). If you play the uke and you’re brave enough (!) you can play along to ‘Après Ski’ or ‘Soppy and the Sentimentals’ on Marcel van der Zwet’s magnificent site Sheep Entertainment (yes, really) – press the ‘Play along song’ tab and search. Various vids of Tonys can be found on yodeltube
I welcome all people (and uke players!) to become friends, if you like the tunes you can buy soppy and the sentimentals and mainly manly music from itunes!If you're an old timer - CD's can be bought from here or even here in the US, not forgetting here or indubitably here in the UK.If you have found this resume too boring, try this
Tony Penultimate was born the illegitimate son of an Algerian prostitute and a one-eyed Norwegian foreign legion deserter in the city of Marseille, France. As a child of the streets he was forced to grow up fast and furious among the pimps, wise guys and boosters who taught him all they knew - how to play poker, roll tourists, handle a knife, bake cup cakes etc. As a teenager, he sailed the world on tramp steamers learning the ropes of life. At the age of 19, while selling disposable lighters outside the bullring in Barcelona, he discovered that he had a voice that could woo the crowds. A self made millionaire by the time he was 30, Tony felt it was only fair that the world should share in the beneficence of his voice and the magic of his music, and thus he opened a page at myspace.