Visk'Rdi profile picture



About Me

Hey there humans! Welcome to my MySpace page! Im Visk'rdi and im just your average Skrull guy living it up somewhere in New York (can't tell ya where....its kind of a touchy subject) and been working on my warrior training. Hopefully i'll be able to play a big part in whats going down here. Lately my race has been getting the short end of the stick. Most recently, my home planet was blown to bits and pieces by Annihilus .
So let me give you the run down on what's been going on recently. So, its no secret that we Skrulls just don't like humans. No offense! If anything, blame it on the Fantastic Four , or even those Avengers . They have not made it easy being a Skrull, so in turn we have slowly been infiltrating the ones you call heroes. This Secret Invasion has been happening for a while.
You guys sent a group over to us and THREATENED us. I mean who do you guys think you are sending Charles Xavier , Iron Man , Mr. Fantastic , Namor , Blackbolt and Doctor Strange to our planet and make demands? Earth is ours, its pretty clean cut, plain and simple. Well, to make a long story short, we made sure your "ambassadors" had a pleasant stay ;). That is until Tony Stark decided to get all smart and bust out. Well, in that time we were able to learn all about your heroes and what make them heroes so slowly we started to replace them. I guess the most obvious of that group was Blackbolt (btw: you can check that out in New Avengers: Illuminati #5). Then we had Elektra (New Avengers #31 for those keeping track), she was really just part of a overseas plan until the Avengers came in and well....screwed it up.
I'm kinda liking it here on Earth, so for the few fans that i've got feel free to drop me a line because after all this is MySpace, a place for friends! And who knows....I may drop some hints for you guys ;)
OH! are potential impostors....some are real and well some aren't. I cant spoil all the fun now can I?


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My Interests

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SECRET INVASION SAGA # 1 has been released. This latest installment of human propaganda apparently covers the sordid history our two races have had. Nothing more than slanderous lies. Go to your local comic store and pick this up for free and see how badly we skrulls have been slandered. This is preposterous!
Looks like Tony Stark is falling for our little Ms. Marvel switcheroo. This realization came just in time too. Since we’ve become undetectable, there’s no way for Carol Danvers to prove that she ISN’T a skrull. It’s also nice to see Rl’Nnd back with all his x-powers up and running. (I went to school with him yanno) He sure showed Carol what its like to mess with a skrull warrior. One thing troubles me though; Rl’Nnd told us that Ms. Marvel reeked of a Kree scent. Where would that have come from?
Ugh. Look like we have a minor setback no thanks to an uncooperative Maya Lopez and Wolverine. That guy is EVERYWHERE screwing things up! It’s alright though; the both of them have witnessed someone with our enhanced abilities and only have a small idea of the enemy they are up against. We aren’t your normal skrulls. We’re bigger, better, and 10x more bad then the skrulls your parents grew up knowing. There’s going to be no stopping us.
Okay, this may be more then a minor setback. Khn’Nr actually believes that he is Captain Marvel. So now that he’s been trapped in the Negative Zone (courtesy of that wannabe super heroine Carol Danvers aka Ms. Marvel) we’ve gotta move our plans around a bit. However, as you can see, the Church of Hala project is going along swimmingly. As we continue to do good for you Earthlings, you will fall right in line when it comes time to accept us as your new leaders.
So by now you’re starting to see just how tactful we have become. We are methodical, malicious and malevolent. Nobody expected the Stark’s butler, Nick Fury’s best friend and one of the biggest brains of the Marvel Universe to be skrulls. This is only a small fraction of things to come! Our sleeper agents are just waiting to be woken up. Just wait till the recently released villains create an even bigger headache for your heroes. I hope our recent attack whets your palette and leaves you wanting more. We will not fail to impress and when we win, you’ll all fall in line. Nothing can stop us now. And always remember……he loves you.

Captain Marvel #5
Well...well...well, Khn'nr looks like he's going to be more trouble then we first estimated. We are currently researching why the image has not triggered correctly. Agent Sante knows too much and must be dealt with. If she figures out how we were able to duplicate the nega-bands that our Captain Marvel is wearing, she may be able to use that information against us. If it weren't for Tony Stark or Carol Danvers we wouldn't of had this problem to begin with. Mr. High and Mighty Stark has lost control and I guess it's working in our favor. Anyway, in more positive news, The Church of Hala project is going according to plan even after the little mishap. Doubters should take notice of our potential power and fear it. You've only seen the beginning of what we have planned and the end is near.

Leave it to Rl'Nnd to screw things up. He gets fancy new powers and can’t stand to lose a battle. We had a perfect opportunity to mess with the humans and he comes barging in because he’s a sore loser. I am now embarrassed to say I trained with him. It’s all right though, Ms. Marvel, like typical humans is thinking with her heart. She thinks she actually can save her Kree lover. Bravo agent! Lead her on, let’s take her out.

The Skrull agent on the Nick Fury provided sufficient information and served us well. The secret’s out, we’ve known where Nick Fury has been all along AND we’ve been “courting” him per-se. If he only knew that his efforts are futile, he would make a wonderful agent for our forces. Oh Nick, keep on playing your little mind games, we can see right through them. Your time is near.

My Blog

I talk about Secret Invasion 2 and Mighty Avengers 13

Secret Invasion 2 So how bout those new Super Skrulls. Pretty impressive if I must say so myself. In continuing to mess with the heroes' heads, the ship that had crash landed in the Savage Land was...
Posted by Visk'Rdi on Fri, 09 May 2008 10:05:00 PST

New Avengers 40 opens a lot of eyes. Ill tell you why.

NEW AVENGERS 40 This issue provides sufficient insight to why we are headed towards Earth. See we have political problems too! I would like to proudly thank Princess Veranke for getting involved wit...
Posted by Visk'Rdi on Fri, 02 May 2008 01:39:00 PST

SOme thoughts on Ms. Marvel 26 and Mighty Avengers 12

MS.MARVEL 26 Leave it to Rl'Nnd to screw things up. He gets fancy new powers and can't stand to lose a battle. We had a perfect opportunity to mess with the humans and he comes barging in becau...
Posted by Visk'Rdi on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 09:35:00 PST

Did you go to the NYC Comic Convention?

If you did go and you got a skrull mask, take a picture of you wearing it and post it on my page. Also, you should make it your main picture. Anyone who has a picture of them wearing a skrull mask wil...
Posted by Visk'Rdi on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 11:59:00 PST

I’ve been interviewed by MySpace Comics

MySpace comics has decided to extend the olive branch and hear my side of the story.You can find it at: Your efforts to help spread Skrull awareness have led to this and it is our first big step to ge...
Posted by Visk'Rdi on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 07:57:00 PST

A chance to join our ranks!

Alright so here's the deal. I've decided to take a passive aggressive approach to the invasion. A lot of you are whining about the whole "killing off your heroes" thing so, i've decided to enlist the ...
Posted by Visk'Rdi on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 01:00:00 PST

Attention Skrullian Supporters

Attention all skrull enthusiasts, I'm still around. I got the shakedown from the humans and had to lay low for a bit. Stay tuned over the next few days because I have a bunch of cool stuff to show you...
Posted by Visk'Rdi on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 02:09:00 PST

Sue Storm intel!

Sue Storm takes on the Fantastic Four!Thats right. One of our key operatives has infiltrated the Fantastic Four. I couldn't think of a more perfect way to break that stupid family apart. This is type ...
Posted by Visk'Rdi on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 12:29:00 PST

Tools for infiltration

Hey guys,On the page are two brand new banners that you can post all over the internet. Be sure to post this on all your friend’s pages and lets post the Visk’Rdi one on the Marvel page. L...
Posted by Visk'Rdi on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 03:02:00 PST

For those underestimating our power.

We took out their king. His family is lost. This is only a sample of what is to come for those who stand in our way....
Posted by Visk'Rdi on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 11:48:00 PST