I've spend my time like I spend my money, which is to say,
very liberally and unfortunately I don't feel like i ever have enough of either. I enjoy spending time with my cohorts, and even more so with my friends. All those who have gone I miss alot and the ones who will never come back I miss even more.
Advertising gets me a little more riled up than it should.
I hate watching t.v. for this very reason.
I'm not hard to meet or get to know, but i honestly don't think I'm easy to understand. No, not because i am retarded, ass.
I enjoy nature more than anything in the world. It saddens me when I think about the way in which people ignore the problems facing our globe as though we are training an army of scientists just to solve the problems of pollution and overpopulation.
I've got kind of a poor short-term memory so if I ask you your name a few times, please forgive me. Also...i've been know to re-tell stories or jokes a few too many times. If this happens just slap me upside the head.