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I am here for Friends

About Me

Where do I begin??? I was born in 1735 in the small town of Gervendenburgh, in the Swiss alps, I was champion yodeler in my age group for the region (unfortunately my age group consisted of only one other boy... a deaf mute named Norbert) At 17, I lost my right leg trying to wrestle a large bale of hay from a wild yak (the yak won) Two years later a rouge faction of the spanish inquisition took my other leg... you can now find me sitting at the 43rd street station near the "A" train uptown begging for money, stop by and give me some, and I will grant you three wishes...

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

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My Interests

Civil War Reinactments, I am also a diehard groupie of Peter Paul and Mary, I have a CD with "Puff the Magic Dragon" copied 27 times, email me and I'd be happy to send you a copy for $7.99 and a can of smoked salmon

I'd like to meet:

Your Mom


I prefer Classical Flamenco to Country, and Minnie Ripperton's "Lovin' You" has been known to bring me to tears. I can also tickle the electronic ivory's somethin' mean...


Anything with Woody Allen... I also really liked that one with Raquel Welch and Leonard Nemoy where they were battling "Sven the Norwegian Drug Lord"... actually I think that was a dream I had after I chased a rufie with a bottle of Scope.


MacGyver... Also, if anyone out there is in the TV Business, I have a great idea for a remake of Kojak starring either Jason Alexander or Patrick Stewart (Telly Savalis was a Jackass!!!!)


Without Feathers, Moby Dick, The Elegant Universe, and One Fish Two Fish


George W. Bush, I think he is a great role model for mentally disabled people everywhere.... Yes I mean you (even though you can't read), take off that helmet, put on a fresh pair of depends and go out and be somebody!!!!

My Blog

Quotes to make you feel better.

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.  This has made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."   "That which does not kill me postpones the inev...
Posted by Dan on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 09:03:00 PST

My thoughts on Mortality

One day you are going to die. There's no use pretending because we all know it is going to happen eventually. All we can do is stretch it out, and make the big choice that all humans inevitably face. ...
Posted by Dan on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 05:02:00 PST

Drink Recipes

Came up with these during happy hour after a particularly hard day at work: -Tijuana Hooker:  Tequila, Hotsauce & Cottage Cheese   -Dirty Negro:  Hennesy, Old English, Barbeque Sauc...
Posted by Dan on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 01:42:00 PST

Excerpts From My Diary

08/30/2005Quote: Even an old clock that is broken and doesn't work is right twice a day. (not mine, just something I heard).  Note:  does not work with digital clocks. 10/13/2005My depressio...
Posted by Dan on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 02:35:00 PST