Civil War Reinactments, I am also a diehard groupie of Peter Paul and Mary, I have a CD with "Puff the Magic Dragon" copied 27 times, email me and I'd be happy to send you a copy for $7.99 and a can of smoked salmon
Your Mom
I prefer Classical Flamenco to Country, and Minnie Ripperton's "Lovin' You" has been known to bring me to tears. I can also tickle the electronic ivory's somethin' mean...
Anything with Woody Allen... I also really liked that one with Raquel Welch and Leonard Nemoy where they were battling "Sven the Norwegian Drug Lord"... actually I think that was a dream I had after I chased a rufie with a bottle of Scope.
MacGyver... Also, if anyone out there is in the TV Business, I have a great idea for a remake of Kojak starring either Jason Alexander or Patrick Stewart (Telly Savalis was a Jackass!!!!)
Without Feathers, Moby Dick, The Elegant Universe, and One Fish Two Fish
George W. Bush, I think he is a great role model for mentally disabled people everywhere.... Yes I mean you (even though you can't read), take off that helmet, put on a fresh pair of depends and go out and be somebody!!!!