Rock&Roll, anal sex, uppers, downers, loaded weapons, government conspiracy, and kickin' ass!! DEATH TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER!!!
No one. Most people annoy the shit out of me.
I like my metal heavy and my rap gangsta'.
Oh! Dirka, dirka, dirka!
Television is a tool of government and industry to make you believe you need a lot of useless bullshit, and distract you from the dismal reality of the globalist conspiracy.
The Anarchist Cookbook, The Emperor Wears no Clothes, The Satanic Bible&the Holy Bible(two great works of fiction), Stranger in a Strange Land, Imajica, The Tao of Pooh,& Webster's Unabridged Dictionary(I only wish more English speaking people would take the time to learn the language upon which we have all agreed)!
Myself, my Mother, Alex Jones, all true American patriots, and of course, the brilliant orrator&your never to be misunderestimated leader, George W. Bush! .....sorry, I just vommitted in my mouth a little and had to swallow it back down before continuing.