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Brads MySpace Profile Editor
Image code by MyNiceSpace.com
Image code by MyNiceSpace.com
LIKES: mi madre, my Mila monster, my Great Dane--Wanda Holiday, long lists of random crap, breasts(especially if they're lactating or belong to Holly-Peno), scuba diving, my Coco Chanel, sushi, garage sales, projectile pissing in public, chess, red lipstick, pasties, construction, sea monkeys(on my 5th generation), traveling, dominos, asian foods, toe nail polish, fireworks/explosives/fire, spanish, rollerderby, kiwi, good people, circumcission, oral sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, red meat, deep sea fishin, power tools, all my scars, trampolines, the mind, gardening, vibrators, Mexico(the Yucatan), gravy, being awake, sleeping, sky diving, garlic, vodka, soccer, costume jewelry, building furniture, red wine, painting, a good challenge, mosaics, high-heels, antiques, crocheting, camel-toes, big fat dill pickles, jager, soap creations, sentimental tatoos, romantics, violence, tough ass women, my job, the sun, la luna, and la verdad!
Sacajawea, Mr. Rogers so I can kick him in the balls, Chewbacca-you know he's got a big one, Anne Calvello(accomplished), a blue genie in a lantern with my 3 wishes, Mother Teresa, Olivia Newton John, Rick James, Diane Fossy, Squidward, Rosa Parks, Jaques Cousteau, Carmen Miranda, the lady that had too many facelifts and looks like a retarded siamese cat, Pocahontas, Heidi Fleiss, Paul Bunyun, Joan of Arc, Jesse James, Nostradamus, Lil' Kim, Hugh Hefner, Jesus, Satan, Alex Jones, Prescott and the evil Georges, the "Illuminati", the pope, the false prophet, the truth, Richard Pryor, Mary Kay, Mr. T, Robert E. Lee(my great great great uncle), Joan Rivers-so I can sew her face shut, Melissa Rivers-so I can shank her ass, Martha Stewart(sewing & shank making lessons), Nixon, Hoover, Josephine Baker, Lori & Dori, Marie Laveau, Mike Tyson(so I could throw his pin back at him this time), Wonderwoman, Ghandi, Jerry Springer, the ho that has the gang bang record, Dr. Ruth, Officer Shed(long story), JFK, any alien, the world's largest penis, Prince, a Poon Jabbin Gin Jockey, Billy the Kid, Hitler, Sportakus(from Lazy Town), the european girl that squirts like 10 feet in the Squirting 101 video, Pablo Escobar, Da Vinci, Sitting Bull, Divine......
Just about anything but new country and christian rock
Grease, any war or prison movie, I hate love stories except for Grease, I prefer just your basic violent, killing, drug dealing plot with suspense, murder and mystery, sarcastic/dry humor and lots of blood.
Fuck tv...I have 150 something channels of nothing but crap, commercials, and the news feeding us bullshit lies the goverment drummed up...except sometimes the DIY Network.
a dictionary? Little Miss Manners. any non fiction educational lit...Don't really get too much time to read! except to my little girl every night.