Jim has been playing the guitar since he was eight years old, and, growing up in the 1970s, he was influenced by many well-known guitarists ( Howe, Gilmour, Page ) as well as some lesser known masters ( Metheny, Towner, Hedges). Today, Dexter’s music has evolved into a mix of styles, with touches of rock, new age, jazz, folk, and Celtic music; his songs often delving into the relationship between people, nature and spirit. He has worked with a number of recording artists around New York and Long Island as both band member … Marci Geller Band, Jordan River (featuring members of Gordo Gringo and Wheatus)… and studio musician ( John Tabacco, GearHead Freaks, Rich Stein, Fuzzy Gray Logic, Nigey Lennon… also featuring Mike Keneally). Jim also has hosted a radio program since 1981- which can be heard Tuesday mornings between 7 and 9 on 90.1FM, WUSB StonyBrook ( www.wusb.fm)- featuring progressive music of all genres, from local to global artists.
Photos of Jim at the University Cafe ©2006 Jim Marchese. Used by permission.)
(Photos of Jim at Eisenhower Park ©2005 Tony LoGuercio)
Artwork©2007 by Jim Dexter.
Guitar ( heard on "He Went There")
by SB MacDonald
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