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Jim Dexter

Aure Entuluva

About Me

Jim has been playing the guitar since he was eight years old, and, growing up in the 1970s, he was influenced by many well-known guitarists ( Howe, Gilmour, Page ) as well as some lesser known masters ( Metheny, Towner, Hedges). Today, Dexter’s music has evolved into a mix of styles, with touches of rock, new age, jazz, folk, and Celtic music; his songs often delving into the relationship between people, nature and spirit. He has worked with a number of recording artists around New York and Long Island as both band member … Marci Geller Band, Jordan River (featuring members of Gordo Gringo and Wheatus)… and studio musician ( John Tabacco, GearHead Freaks, Rich Stein, Fuzzy Gray Logic, Nigey Lennon… also featuring Mike Keneally). Jim also has hosted a radio program since 1981- which can be heard Tuesday mornings between 7 and 9 on 90.1FM, WUSB StonyBrook ( www.wusb.fm)- featuring progressive music of all genres, from local to global artists.
Photos of Jim at the University Cafe ©2006 Jim Marchese. Used by permission.) (Photos of Jim at Eisenhower Park ©2005 Tony LoGuercio) Artwork©2007 by Jim Dexter. Guitar ( heard on "He Went There") by SB MacDonald

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My Interests


Member Since: 2/14/2008
Band Members: Currently, the "band" consists of me...and a handfull of guitars. However, I am always looking for a lead electric triangle player. The guitar pictured below ( The Jim Dexter 2000e) built by SB MacDonald. This is the best guitar on Earth...or anywhere else.

Please send thoughts and prayers of health and healing to my love, Heidi...and my good friend Edgar Stroke.


Influences: Yes,Jon Anderson, Michael Hedges, Pat Metheny, Steve Howe,David Gilmour, Alex DeGrassi, Ralph Towner, Peter Gabriel, Porcupine Tree, Nickel Creek, Joni Mitchell, James Taylor, Celestial Navigations, Pat Metheny Group,David Wilcox,Pete Seeger,Dan Fogelberg...and, of course, Monty Python, Victor Borge and Danny Kaye! There is also Jacques Cousteau, Jane Goodall, Wendell Berry and Julia Butterfly Hill. ( What a crazy band that would be!)

Luna and Julia "Butterfly" Hill

Billy Connolly "Im that stripey thing over there..."

Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's a mile away and you've got his shoes. - Billy Connolly. :

...beautiful... :
Sounds Like: Some say that I sound like David Crosby when I sing and Michael Hedges when I play. I don’t know about that,but I do know that MORE people, independently, say that I LOOK like Kevin Spacey.

jim dexter
Jim Dexter MySpace Codes

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None