AlishaLynn Photo profile picture

AlishaLynn Photo

I wish life could have music playing every moment of your life like in the movies!

About Me

Behind The Lense of Alisha Lynn
Its that moment, when everything goes silent around you. You take a deep breath and your lungs are filled with a blend of smoke, fog, and the smell of adrenalin. Colored lights blind you, as fellow concert goers repeatedly jar into you. Then you see it, the perfect shot, SNAP! Followed by rapid fire lens action, snap, snap, snap. Sounds intense, but for Alisha Lynn, this is constant reality, on and off the battlefield.
Alisha started early in life capturing the world around her with a pencil and paper. Eventually the demands of everyday life started to interfere with time commitment drawing demands. Rather than ditch her creative drive, Alisha picked up a camera. Currently Alisha's creative side has trended towards capturing musicians.
Alisha is an all-American, girl next door that is anything but ordinary. Previously Alisha was a heavy wheeled mechanic in the Army Reserve. Still enlisted with the reserves, Alisha now uses her camera skills to fill the role of photojournalist. Her prowess with a camera earned her a spot in the March issue as WebCeleb's top photographer.
Alisha is best known for her shots taken at live concerts. As anyone who has tried to take a picture at a concert can attest, it is not easy. Alisha's ability to capture performers in action in smoky, low light conditions is unparalleled. Her images are a powerful testament to the mystique and energy generated by an incredible show.
Whether you have a concert that needs to be captured or a heavy vehicle that needs some repairs, Alisha is your girl - contact her at [email protected].
Please feel free to stay awhile, check out her photos, and let her know what you think!
-written by
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My Interests

Photography, Music, Movies, Fashion, Camping, Art, Roller Blading, Bowling, Catch Phrase, Shoes, WII,

I'd like to meet:

Other Photographers
Aspiring Models


All Time Low, Amy Whinehouse, Avril Lavigne, Blink 182, Bon Jovi, Carrie Underwood, Dave Mathews Band, The Eagles, Fall Out Boy, Green Day, Hawthorne Heights, Hillary Duff, Hinder, Incubus, Jeremy Camp, Jimmy Eat World, Journey, Kenney Chesney, The Killers, Matt Wertz, Michelle Branch, Motion City Soundtrack, My Chemical Romance, Panic at the Disco, Paramore, Quietdrive, Rascal Flatts, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Regina Spektor, Starting Line, Taking Back Sunday, Taylor Swift, Yellowcard 30 Seconds to Mars,Local:Thru The Static, Discount Brown, Down and Above, Dustin Phillips


50 First Dates, Along Came Polly, Anchorman, The Benchwarmers, The Break Up, Butterfly Effect, Cars, Cast Away, Cellular, Cinderella, Click, The Corpse Bride, Coyote Ugly, Daredevil, The Day After Tomorrow, DeJaVu, Dirty Dancing, Disturbia, Don't Say a Word, Dumb and Dummer, Employee of the Month, Ferris Buellers Day off, Forest Gump, The Green Mile, The Holiday, Hook, House of Wax, The Illusionist, The Incredibles, John Tucker Must Die, Just Friends, Just Married, Just My Luck, Knocked up, Ladder 49, Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Meet The Fockers, Meet The Parents, Men of Honor, Monster in Law, Miracle, Moulin Rouge, Mr. and Mrs, Smith, Mulan, Never Benn Kissed, The Notebook, Open Season, Out Cold, Over the Hedge, the Pianist, Premonition, The Prestige, The Punisher, Raise your Voice, Ratatouille, Reign Over Me, Rock Star, Saw Series, Shrek, Stay Alive, Super Troopers, Sweet Home Alabama, Thumbaleena, The Ultimate Gift, United 93, Walk the line, Wedding Crashers, and Wicker Park...But this only scrapes the surface...I own like 300+ movies


Friends, 24
