kir profile picture


The Ants are my friends, they're blowing in the wind!

About Me

dominatrix by day .... accountant by night

My Interests

layin' in the river

I'd like to meet:

a rehabilitation officer


We use to make music, as a record of an event, the event of people playing music in a room. But when you're in your bigger room, you might not know what to do, you might have to think of how you got started sitting in your little room. yet it's not like i sit in my basement room with a needle and a spoon. So how the hell can a person, go to work in the morning, come home in the evening and have nothing to say. I was just lazin' on a sunny afternoon when i caught a trucker outa philly and had a nice long toke. But don't think twice, becuase heaven is just a place where nothing ever happens.


The one's I haven't seen yet.....

Television: .... and that show on spike with the japanese dubbed challenges .....


Currently: Notes from underground, ovid's metamorphesis, and half asleep in frog pajamas .... and about 5 pages into 30 other random books that i might never read. oh and severely avoiding my GRE book.



My Blog

smith and wesson

just fired my first gun tonight .... a smith and wesson 22 revolver!
Posted by kir on Fri, 11 May 2007 06:59:00 PST

Appreciating home just a bit

This moment made it to top 10: Being able to walk to a river at 2 am, sitting on rocks on the middle of this roaring river, and being with friends.  That is one thing i will always remember from ...
Posted by kir on Fri, 11 May 2007 04:41:00 PST

new jersey

I was in new jersey today, right accross the river .... eating dinner with my grandparents for their anniversary .... and while i was sitting there looking out the window at the delaware river, i thou...
Posted by kir on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 06:00:00 PST