God, hot girls,money,modeling, my kids and creating rapid income for life. I like being on my zone on madebig.com (BUSINESS VENTURES)
I'd like to meet:
Jesus,Donald Trump,halle berrie,Einstein,RichieRoan.
Rap,hip-hop, alternative,techno-trance,R&B a drop of country
I Don't watch to much Tv I stay busy to create income I dont have time to waste.
But when I do its mtv, bet, news, etc
og mandino - choices/Think and grow rich-napolan Hill
how to think big-
Think like a Billionaire-Donald Trump
The cash flow Quadrant-Robert kyroski
Time poverty-
Winning without intimanation-
My dad's and mom's -Robert Hill-Jeff Slusher/Velma Hll-Karin Slusher. Richi Roan , all the presidential leaders