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You want to know me? The name is Tony Nelson, and I was born and raised in Granite City Illinois. After 23 1/2 years I have moved to Camdenton, MO to be closer to my now Wife Tasha, my daughter Alexia, my Mom, little sister, and Grandma. I am a very interesting guy, you just have to get to know me. I'm a very up front kind of guy. I want you to tell me what is on your mind, good or bad...don't tap dance around it. I believe in Truth! I am a proud but not prideful Christian. I believe in my one true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My wife is...a beautiful, God fearing, selfless, caring, respectable woman, that I trust to take care of me for the rest of my life. She is as one friend put it best, my Proverbs girl. I love to talk with new people, or find old friends that I've lost touch with. Or talk with the friends I left when I moved out of town. I have two jobs, the first of which is U.S. Cellular where I am a Retail Wireless Consultant. I technically sell phones and services, but I honestly make my goal to just deliver the Ideal Customer Experience to my customers. This company really pushes just doing what's right for the customer first and foremost instead of worrying about how much money can be made off of them. My second job I work as the lead web developer for The Tech Connection . I do website design, graphic design, and computer repair. Basically I'm a big geek, and I am proud of it. That should tell you all that you need to know about me...if you need anything else, by all means add me, or send me a message.
AOL IM: Collegeguy8583
MSN: [email protected]
Yahoo: Collegeguy8583
E-mail: [email protected]
"Do nothing out of selfish abmition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves."
-Philippians 2:3 (NIV)
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