Livin life on life's terms, doing the next right thing, livin sober, & sharin my experience,strength, & hope. Doin God's will & not mine today.
Marilyn Monroe,Elton John,Juliette Lewis,Melissa Etheridge,Stan Lee,Britney Spears (yes),Hilary Clinton & her wife,Jerry Garcia,Bill W. & Dr. Bob,thr Great Grandparents I've heard so much about,Mary J. Blige,Janis Joplin,Monique,Adam Sandler,Jack Nicholson,Johnny Depp,Patricia Arquette,Courteney Cox,Shirley Q. Liquor,RuPaul,the cast of QAF,janet Jackson,& anyone who survived addiction & is on the right path now. I can't think of anyone else at this time..
Heavy Metal,Classic Rock,Pop,Club Shit,Hip Hop,R&B,Jazz,Blues-Ozzy,Justin, Timbaland,Erika,Kelly,Janis,Jimmy,Kittie,Otep,Misfits,Green Day,U2,REM,Phish,etc...
Desperate Living,Pecker,Pink Flamingos,Steel Magnolia's,Freddy,Jason,Michael,Chucky,Psycho...Drama, Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi...whatev..
Nick@Nite,Charmed,Buffy,Angel,6 Feet Under,QAF,The L Word,Oz,Medium,CSI,Law & Order:SVU,Seinfeld,Simpsons,South Park,Adult Swim,etc...
Big Book,DC & Marvel Comics,James Patterson,Stephen King,Dean Koontz,etc....
Friends in recovery,(RIP: Michael Jacobs, Grampa Rip,)Gramma Jean, Mom, Ed & BA, Doris & Shelvis, my Sponsor Jeannie, etc...OH! Nikki Pillow & Rodney Baker. Leah & Jen too...My Angels ride together too...