The Dirty Sanchez profile picture

The Dirty Sanchez

6 Months in China 12 more to go!!!!

About Me

I am hoping to meet a lot of cool Japanese people. I have my own company in California and I have been asked to establish an office in Osaka & Tokyo Cities. I have a free spirit and I am a strong believer in Karma. If you would like to know more about me feel free to ask :)

My Interests

Sake 'n' Sushi, Sumo Wrestling, Orogami, Baseball, Soccer, Martial Arts, Music, Traveling, Cooking, Making Money, Helping People.

I'd like to meet:

A lot of business people in media and communications along with beautiful girls from Nippon!


all kinds of music. you can listen to music but can you really hear it?


movies are fake! except pornos and documentries.


Don't Watch TV


The World is Flat. The Bible. Law Books. The Grapes of Wrath. Stephen King Books. History Books. The Red Pony. Shel Sylverstien


david roberts the baseball player, Freud, Jung, Van Gough, Monet, Superman, Batman, etc.