Tattoos,Music,Piercings are my most loved interest and playing the bass when i can. After that is art by Luis Royo,Victora Frances,hanging out with friends,being a menace to society and the oilfeild, Drinking cold beer, shooting guns,paint ball wars, shooting pool, Astrology,nordic mithology,ancient weapons are just afew
… creative, open-minded people with passions and dreams … those whom own an intelligent, interesting and original sense of personality. And i would like to thank the guy's at BENNETT'S TATTOOING & BODY PIERCING for putting up with my crazy ass. Iv'e made BENNETT'S my new home where i get all my tattoo work done now but thats just me. So give them a call 1-918-227-6499 (SOPOR FRATREM MORTIS EST)
CURRENT MOON moon phases Death Metal, Rock, Experimental, Acoustic, Metal, Hardcore,Progressive,Folk Metal,Folk, Classical,Ambient So many HELLER COOL bands out i would just like to say thank you all for adding me Blogs - YouTube video: "Wigger" - M.O.D. (Method of Destruction) MySpace
crazy frog