Looking for something custom? Let me know. Please feel free to drop me a message or email me at [email protected] and ask about custom tags and / or layouts that I design.
Dark Angel Designz recently joined up with Satisfaction.com to bring two great sites into one AMAZING one. You can still find our tags / comments on there and we are constantly adding new ones.
I would love to meet the following people...All the wonderful friends that have supported me all this time with Dark Angel Designz.
Especially Debbie, aka Wolf Dreamer and Lesia, aka Bite Sized Brat. They have been like sisters to me and I can never thank them enough for being my friends!
Ted Hammond, for his art and creations inspire so many people in various ways, for standing strong when the chips were down and continuing to encourage me to fight the good fight! THANKS TED!!
Eric "BROKENBOY" we've carried one another through some wild times yet never had the chance to hug! Just remember that when the storms come I will protect you with my wings!
"Hi Roller Raider" (Pete) and November Rain (Sylvia) for they are amazingly wonderful people and ones that I am honored to call friends!
INFERNO... what can I say about my "Raider Daddy" other then I LOVE YA!!! hehe
Please feel free to leave your comments in the box below
My Husband Danny in Heaven soon!
He was taken from us way too soon but I know now that I will have a TRUE Angel to watch over my children and I for the rest of our days.
I would love to meet the following people...
All the wonderful friends that have supported me all this time with Dark Angel Designz.
Especially Debbie, aka Wolf Dreamer and Lesia, aka Bite Sized Brat.
They have been like a sisters to me and I can never thank them enough for being my friends!
Eric "BROKENBOY" we've carried one another through some wild times yet never had the chance to hug! Just remember that when the storms come I will protect you with my wings!
"Hi Roller Raider" (Pete) and November Rain (Sylvia) for they are amazingly wonderful people and ones that I am honored to call friends!
INFERNO... what can I say about my "Raider Daddy" other then
I LOVE YOU!!! hehe
And Ted Hammond, for his art and creations inspire so many people in various ways, for standing strong when the chips were down and continuing to encourage me to fight the good fight!
THANKS TEDFly upon these dark wings
To escape these horrible dreams
To flee from the darker things
Inside the swirling madness I break and ...
I don't know what to say
To make these clouds slowly fade away
So you can fly and never have to ask...
My tongue can't liberate the words I keep inside
Just know for you I still die
Walking to the edge and for you I...
Into the darkest piece of the condensed night
There is a war within me and I am forced to fight
So I'm searching for the light and I'm so...
That our love broke and stalled
And I lost it risking it all
To save myself from ...