In 1990, two seventh-graders started a band in a little town called Kemi in southern Lapland, Finland. That band, naturally, never became anything but some fifteen years later the same guys formed another group. After some experiments, the group found its form as a compact, three-piece combo known as Innit.
The band's known for its no-bs attitude on the stage and for the ever evident fun the musicians are having. Their set lists usually consist of mostly 1950's and 1960's rock classics from such artists as Chuck Berry, Eddie Cochran, Rolling Stones, Elvis etc. While the songs are indeed old, Innit makes sure that on each show most of the songs are handled a bit differently and every time something new is being added to the mix. This playful attitude towards music has created happy audiences where ever the band has travelled.
After three years of having a lot of fun with good old 50's classics the band finally decided it was time to take the next step and booked a recording studio. Bravely enough, the studio was booked after only one rehearsal and one show with the band's new drummer, and with no original material. Art Alta (vocals, guitar) dived into his archives and found a few old songs and even went on to write some new material. This all happened in no more than 48 hours. The third day was spent rehearsing and arranging the material together with bass player Janne Kotila and drummer Lari Heikka. On the fourth day Innit worked in the studio. The songs on this MySpace site are the results of that recording session (please note that the material is still a work-in-progress and new versions of the songs will be posted as they are being polished up).