Lots of music, art, wine, soccer, tennis, thrifting, interior design, architecture, light design...there is obviously more-
Those that are sincere, kind, respectful and fricken real already!!! I'm sick of the fakies and flakies ;)
Wow, way too many generes to list! All music is worth listening to at least once. So ask me if I've heard it and then we'll talk ;) If you know I haven't heard it, then send it my way! Yeah, for new music to my ears! ps. I can't seem to listen to pop country more than once, sorry all you funny cowboys that dress like rockstars. That kinda weirds me out;)
Psychological thrillers and comedy, especially any with Will Ferrell! Man, that guy is funny! Oh and ladies, Gerhard Butler is super hot!!!!
Bad for your brain!...and completely useless!...unless you're watching it for it's former historical intension which people probably don't even realize, yeah back in the day, people, tv was made for only the news! Hard to believe hu?? ;)
Again, too many to list, but there are some worth mentioning like the Bible of course, old school hymnals, IESNA handbook, The Stranger, Brave New World, Walden Two, 1984, Things Fall Apart.......much more
An epic one? I don't know =) Oh, I know Gerhard Butler ;)