Aileen profile picture


coming upside down

About Me

This is my first real effort to put together something of a kind a recording of my music. Fully and all of my creation. I started music sometime in high school with some of my friends. It just kinda followed me. Now I have finally gotten a chance to get some of these things out of my mind and into songs thanks to jethro and outthebox records. I hope you enjoy them.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/14/2005
Band Members: ME, Aileen Williams
Influences: Everything I have ever listened to in my life has influenced me..... but these are the big ones. R.E.M, ani difranco, tori amos, death cab for cutie, smashing pumkins, the pixies, bob dyan, simon and garfunkel, paul simon, radiohead, travis, the strokes, nofx, juliana hatfield, cat power, rasputina, my bloody valentine, pearl jam, bright eyes,u2, bobby hill, edie berkel, leonard cohen, tears for fears,foo fighters, wilco, willie nelson, ryan adams, joanna newsome, postal service, bjork, tom waits, brad clayton, nick drake, jeff buckley, plus many more I will type when I have more time
Sounds Like: ani difranco, ryans adams, simon and garfunkel, allison krouse(sp?) someone once said the pretenders, nick drake, pedro the lion, jem, mary lou lord, R.E.M, and joanna newsome,maria taylor, tori amos, bob dyan, death cab for cutie, and myself
Record Label: outthebox records
Type of Label: Indie