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I'm a fairly emotional person. I hold my friends and family close to my heart. I love to dress up. I love retro glamour. I love to dance. I have a pretty boy obsession. I like my men feminine.
(BrianMolko Obsession).
I have my heart on my sleeve and glitter in my eyes. I am full of hopes and dreams, I take my soul with me every step of the way. I want to go places. I am determined and strong willed. Passionate and fiery, loving and kind. Placebo Obsessed.
Easily infatuated. Pretty Boy Addicted. Picky and thoughtful. I throw caution to the wind and thrive on spontanaity. Creative and artistic. Acting is my passion. So much love to give. Always wanting something more. Lost in a haze. Enwrapped in the unknown. Forever searching. Pin-up Couture. Sparkles and fairytales. I am Lissy. <3 xxx
I Am Doll Parts.
I Am Doll Eyes Doll Mouth, Doll Legs.
I Am Doll Arms, Big Veins, Dog Bait.
"There's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst..."
I want to live in a land where social conformity doesn't take over, where sexuality is fluid and where people can be who they want to be without fear of rejection.I want to reach all of my goals and ambitions. I want to lose my inhabitions but keep my pride. Ijustwantaneasylife.
I want so many things but I try to strive for each and every one of them. To get somewhere in life I believe you need to work for it sometimes, although i also believe in fate and if its meant to be it will be. Sometimes however I believe we should take fate into our own hands. I'm ever so impatient but it is true that sometimes patience is a virtue. Everyone wants something, but when you get what you want, it's not always what you wanted..But we learn from these things and shouldn't live in regret of what could have been but live in hope of what could be.
"I resist my temptation in order to feel I am free" - taken from 'my legendary girlfriend' by Mike Gayle.
My friends and family are what keep me going at the best of times, I love and adore each and every one of them, words couldn't even start to express how much I appreciate, love and need them.
I like body art, this is my tattoo:
I adore dancing and letting myself free and being me. I love clubbing & travelling. I want to delve inside the:-
- Everything.
::I REGRET:: I regret regretting things, I believe you should learn from things, and move on.
"Don't let your past dictate your future but let it be a part of who you become."
::WISHES:: For someone to always be there to save and love me.
::I LOVE:: Feeling happy and forfilled. Affection. Customised clothes. Unique styles & creative artistic styles. Inspiration.
I absolutely adore, admire & lust after feminine pretty boys and strong independant beautiful girls.
::I HATE:: Feeling helpless/not knowing what to do with myself, cliqueyness, feeling lonely/left out. Missing out on things. When people are distant. When I have trouble forfilling and finding myself.
::I SEARCH:: For inspiration wherever I go.
Teddies make me feel secure.
Obsessions taunt me.
Infatuations are inevitable.
Miracles are magical.
I believe in self respect and consideracy of others as well as myself.
I'll play your game. Just pull me under.
I truly respect and love those closest to me. I can't stand one sided relationships. I need more than I can give. I'm not always as strong as I'd like to be.
I let you in under my skin.
People have their good and bad points. Both are important to me. They are what make people whole. Perfection lies within the eye of the beholder. You can't define whats perfect and what isn't. It's the beauty of attraction.
I try to be open-minded but I'm also a hypocrypt at times.
I'm opinionated and strong-willed but open to new suggestions.
There are times when I can be a social butterfly & truly feel myself, but there are also times where I wilt away and can't find the confidence to be myself.
I'm passionate about so many things, I get excited about trivial things as well as more important things - just like a kid. I can be meture and immature but I try to keep a balance.
I like to have fun and go crazy but I also have a need for serious meture conversation about what really matters.
I'm expressive and I'm very aware of my surroundings.
I'm vein, and I believe vanity is a good thing to an extent...I care about the way I look and how others percieve me but I also care about the way I percieve myself, if I feel I look good then I feel happier in myself.I'm insecure but I'm also self confident at times.