Tom Hanks, George Clooney, Val Kilmer, John Cusak, Billy Crystal, Steve Martin, Jim Carry, Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore,Mike Myers.
I like a little bit of everything. Country is probably one of my favorite. I can't be specific because it's all good to me.
When Harry Met Sally, She's haveing my baby, Love Actually, While you were Sleeping, Sleepless in Seattle, You got mail, All the Home Alone movies, Breakfast club, Sixteen Candles...i could do this all day, but I think you get the idea.
Oh boy!..this is my new favorite thing T.V....I'm addicted to CSI, Law and Order, House. The new show Criminal Investigation or Criminal Minds I can't remeber what it's called. I love the Food network, cooking is something I'm very into right now and trying new things.
A Light in the Attic, and thats all I can think of right now
I have two hero's, one is my grandmother Yaya, who has over come so much in her lifetime, and I can only wish that i could be as strong as she is. The other is my Mother who again deals with thing that I would never put up with. They are both strong and smart women and I hope I can be like them.